Steube Cites Walz's Friendship with Pro-Hamas Cleric as Proof Democrats Have Gone Further Left

Steube Cites Walz's Friendship with Pro-Hamas Cleric as Proof Democrats Have Gone Further Left

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
August 14, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris's running mate for the 2024 Election, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), has faced a new controversy in his relationship with pro-Hamas, Hitler-praising Muslim Imam Asad Zaman. Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) discussed the controversy in a recent appearance on Fox Business's Evening Edit, citing Harris's selection of Gov. Walz as her running mate as proof of the "far-left lurch of the Democratic Party."

Imam Zaman is known to have shared the pro-Hitler documentary "The Greatest Story Never Told," Hamas press releases, and expressed solidarity with the terrorist organization after the October 7th atrocities. More egregiously, Gov. Walz donated $100,000 to Zaman's organization.

Rep. Steube echoed comments by Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), former President Donald Trump's running mate, in saying, "This is the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party," referencing the controversies surrounding the Imam and Walz's relationship with him.

Host Elizabeth MacDonald used the controversy to segue into a discussion about a recent article from Politico suggesting progressive activists are seeking positions in a potential Harris-Walz Administration, "hoping to steer the White House in a different direction on Israel and other issues after being largely shut out under President Joe Biden." MacDonald asked for Rep. Steube's take on the development.

"I think [of] exactly how far left the Democratic Party has gone. Look, Joe Biden campaigned on being a moderate amongst the candidates [in 2020]. One of those was Kamala Harris, and she did not even get the support amongst her own party back then when Joe Biden was running for president. She was running against him, and now it has been completely overtaken by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party," Steube answered.

Moreover, he noted that Biden's policies had shifted far to the left upon assuming office, and Harris was rated as the most liberal Senator during her tenure. Thus, her selection of Walz, "one of the most liberal vice president candidates and governors in the state and in the country," is troubling.

"So you are seeing this far-left lurch of the Democratic Party, and I just hope that the American people see through the mainstream media and social media banning bad things about Kamala Harris and look at her record as the most extreme liberal record in the history of running for President," Steube concluded.

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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