Scott Unloads on ‘Complicit’ Mucarsel-Powell

Scott Unloads on ‘Complicit’ Mucarsel-Powell

“Does Debbie Mucarsel-Powell stand with him?

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
June 24, 2024

Last week, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador, raped a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in New York City. Inga-Landi crossed the border at Eagle Pass, Texas in 2021.Inga-Landi’s crime comes as a string of other illegal immigrants have perpetrated similar crimes, ranging from rape to murder. In response to the concern, Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) is questioning whether Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) is “complicit” in the crime.

Inga-Landi was processed and released into the United State’s as part of the Biden Administration’s release and resettle directives. Two years ago, he was ordered to be deported, but Senator Scott is directing blame to President Biden, arguing that his initiatives protected Inga-Landi from being forced to leave the country.

Senator Scott is also questioning where Rep. Mucarsel-Powell stands on the issue as she has yet to release a statement on the issue. In a statement, Senator Scott expressed that “After Laken Riley was murdered by an illegal alien, Joe Biden called her Lincoln Riley and then did nothing.”

“Now, another illegal alien who was released into our country due to his policies has raped an innocent 13-year-old girl in broad daylight,” Scott added, accusing the president of making it known that “he stands with these illegal criminals and will do nothing to protect the American people.”

“Does Debbie Mucarsel-Powell stand with him? Will she condemn the border crisis he created? Will she commit to voting to deport these dangerous illegal aliens?” the former governor of Florida questioned.

“As long as she remains silent, she is complicit. Blood is on her hands, too.”

Rep. Mucarsel-Powell is running what political pundits argue is a long shot run at Senator Scott's senatorial seat. However, she maintains that the seat is a chance at being contested despite Democrat influence growing dimmer and dimmer in the state with each new election.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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