Trump Supports Rick Scott Entering Senate Majority Leader Race?

Trump Supports Rick Scott Entering Senate Majority Leader Race?

Former President Donald Trump supports Rick Scott in his run for Republican Leader, a source reveals

Liv Caputo
Liv Caputo
May 23, 2024

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Former President Donald Trump supports Florida Senator Rick Scott getting in the race for Republican Leader, a source close to the Scott campaign revealed.

Scott, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, and Texas Sen. John Corryn have all thrown their hats in the ring for the soon-to-be vacant position. Now, a source close to the Scott campaign revealed to The Floridian that after the former Florida Governor spoke with Trump, Trump said he was "supportive" of Scott's endeavors.

Scott also mentioned that he spoke to President Trump during an appearance on the Fox News channel Wednesday night.

The seal of approval from the former President is huge to any Republican hoping to attain the leadership position, and it would grant Scott the gravitas needed to propel him into the role.

Not all, however, see Scott's announcement as a step forward.

"Self-serving Rick Scott is a danger to Florida families, and as Senate leader, he would be a disaster for Americans,” Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Scott's Democratic competition for his Senate seat, said in a statement after the Wall Street Journal revealed Scott's ambitious intentions.

She alleged that if elected Leader, he would push his "toxic" agenda, which she says involves a national abortion ban, "criminalizing" health care providers, ending Social Security and Medicare, raising middle-class taxes, and "furthering" Putin's and China's interests.

In November, Scott will face off against the Democratic nominee. The current field holds five Democrats—including former Congressman Alan Grayson and rocket scientist Stanley Campbell—though former Congresswoman Mucarsel-Powell appears to be the likely frontrunner as the August 20th primary election draws closer.

Meanwhile, this is the second time Scott has run for the GOP Leader position. In 2022, he challenged incumbent Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell for the position in a closed-door election. McConnell won handily, though it didn't dissuade Scott.

In February, McConnell announced he would step down at the end of 2024 after holding the post for a whopping 17 years—longer than any of his predecessors.

In a Wednesday letter revealing his candidacy, Scott, opposed by South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Texas Sen. John Corryn for the role, asserted that the Leader position should term out after six years, promising he would set the example if elected.

He also said he would prevent Republicans from "caving" to "Democrat demands", explaining he would "fight back harder against the destruction Biden and the Democrats are bringing to this country,"

Named one of the least bipartisan senators for the fifth year in a row by Georgetown University and the Lugar Center's annual Bipartisan Index, Scott slammed Democrats for the "persecution" of Donald Trump—who faces 91 felony counts in various states.

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Liv Caputo

Liv Caputo

Livia Caputo is a senior at Florida State University, working on a major in Criminology, and a triple minor in Psychology, Communications, and German. She has been working on a journalism career for the past year, and hopes to become a successful reporter after graduation. Her work has been cited in Fox News, the New York Post, and the Daily Mail

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