DeSantis-Appointed Communism
Task Force to Revamp Florida School Curriculums
TALLAHASSEE, FL—As Governor Ron DeSantis prepares to send thousands of National and State Guardsmen to the Texas Border, Florida Republicans, communism task force ...READ MORE
Lauren Book-We know the language used in Amendment 4 is clear and precise in limiting government interference with abortion before viability.
I believe the Florida Supreme Court will do what is right, clearing the way for Florida voters to defend reproductive freedom and abortion rights by passing Amendment 4 this November.

Senate Unanimously Approves Scott Resolution Honoring Parkland Victims
Florida Bill Would Protect and House Pregnant Homeless Women
DeSantis-Appointed Communist Task Force to Revamp Florida School Curriculums
Gaetz Introduces Bill Affirming States' Right to Protect Borders
Rubio Reacts to Trump NATO Comments, Points Out Biden Swearing at Netanyahu
Gimenez Blasts American Firms Investing in Chinese AI Development
Senate Democrats Vote Against Scott's Anti-Hamas Bill
Rubio Says U.S. Needs 'Third Country' Asylum Processing to Fixed Border Crisis
The Juice is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina