DeSantis Announces One Million Gallons of Fuel, 25,000 Linemen on Standby As Hurricane Idalia Approaches

DeSantis Announces One Million Gallons of Fuel, 25,000 Linemen on Standby As Hurricane Idalia Approaches

Chris Nelson
Chris Nelson
August 29, 2023

As Hurricane Idalia barrels up the Gulf of Mexico toward the Big Bend region of Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has announced preparations.

“We have tens of thousands of utility workers staged, ready to go in for rapid power restoration," said DeSantis on Fox and Friends this morning. "We also have urban search-and-rescue teams staged, ready to go.”

"Duke Energy has been staging 5,000 of their own linemen along with trucks and other assets in preparation for #Idalia," posted DeSantis. "Florida Power and Light, TECO, and Co-ops and municipal utilities are also staging assets ready to deploy as soon as it is safe. We have at least 25,000 linemen ready to respond in impacted areas, and we will have 30,000-40,000 linemen staged by the end of the day."

DeSantis temporarily suspended his Presidential Campaign this week to lead the Hurricane preparation and response effort as Idalia is expected to spin into a Category 3 or possibly Category 4 hurricane with winds up to 160 miles per hour.

"As of this morning, we have over 25,000 linemen ready to go," said DeSantis at a Press Conference today. "By the time #Idalia hits, we will have “between 30,000 and 40,000 linemen” stationed and ready to immediately move in to restore power.

"@MyFDOT has nearly 700 team members strategically positioned across the state with more than 400 pieces of heavy equipment ready to begin immediately clearing roads as soon as it is safe to do so," posted DeSantis tonight. "At the State Emergency Operations Center, we continue to make preparations for Hurricane #Idalia. This hurricane is making landfall in an area that has substantial debris, and we are prepared to surge resources to clear roads and restore power as quickly as possible."

DeSantis has warned residents that now is the time to heed evacuation orders if you are in the path of Idalia.

"Idalia has strengthened to a Category 2 Hurricane and is forecast to make landfall as a major hurricane," posted DeSantis. "If you are under an evacuation order, now is the time to leave. You still have a couple hours to pack up and get on the road before conditions deteriorate, but by late tonight you will need to hunker down and stay in place. If you choose to stay, first responders will not be able to get to you until after the storm has passed."

"If you are under an evacuation order, remember that you do NOT need to drive hundreds of miles. Find higher ground and listen to your local officials," said DeSantis in an interview with Fox and Friends this morning.

Hurricane Idalia is expected to hit the Big Bend region of Florida tomorrow morning as a Category 2 or 3 Hurricane which includes Cedar Key.

“My message is very clear. LEAVE. The governor’s office said it. Levy county said it. Our wonderful EOC said it…” said Cedar Key Commissioner Sue Colton this morning.


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Chris Nelson

Chris Nelson

Chris Nelson is a videographer and investigative reporter based in Fort Lauderdale. Chris covers breaking news, and local and state politics, and focuses on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. His work has been cited on Fox News and Epoch Times.

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