Last Squeeze🍊—7.27.023—Democrats Blame Republicans for Heat Wave—Donalds Pushes Back Against DeSantis—More...

Last Squeeze🍊—7.27.023—Democrats Blame Republicans for Heat Wave—Donalds Pushes Back Against DeSantis—More...

Florida's Last Political Squeeze of the Day

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
July 27, 2023

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Democrats Blame Republicans for Current National Heat Wave

According to National Democrats politicians, 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling!' when it comes to the record heat wave that the U.S. has been experiencing this year. The dangerous heat wave that has gripped the nation over ...READ MORE


Debbie Wasserman Schultz-Yet Republicans *still* refuse to confront climate change. Let's address that ourselves. #VoteBlue2024

Rep. Mike Waltz-I was a leader in the search for this traitor (Bergdahl).

This is a slap in the face to the American soldiers killed trying to find him and their families.


Sen. Marco Rubio
Sen. Marco Rubio

Rubio Questions Media's Double Standard With Hunter Biden

—by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—This week, Americans were glued to screens across the country as Committee hearings on actual extraterrestrial beings or aliens took place. At the same time, Hunter Biden was pleading not guilty to...

Candy Executives Push False 'Sugar Shortage' Scare, Support Policies that Will Outsource Sugar Farming Jobs

—by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

DeSantis Called an 'Unserious' Candidate for Considering RFK Jr. in his Administration

—by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Cammack Reacts to Hunter Biden Plea Deal Rejection

—by The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

DeSantis Suggests RFK Jr. Lead FDA or CDC

—by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

DeSantis Campaign Takes Apparent Politically Motivated Swipe at Byron Donalds

—by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Democrats Blame Republicans for Current National Heat Wave

—by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Juice🍊—7.27.2023—US Bank Promotes Mexican Soccer over US Soccer—Here Come the Florida Democrats — More...

Cavalry Strategies


Rene Garcia


The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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