Byron Donalds Calls Out White House Spokesman Deflecting Focus on Biden Investigation

Byron Donalds Calls Out White House Spokesman Deflecting Focus on Biden Investigation

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
March 19, 2023

Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) had some choice words for White House spokesman Ian Sams on Kayleigh McEnany's Outnumbered after the latter shared an article claiming voters want Congress to spend less time investigating the Biden family.

Rep. Donalds asked Sams; as he appears to be the only person in the Biden Administration defending the family's actions, "why did members of the Biden family receive significant amounts of money from a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy?"

"Ian, since you seem to be the only member of the Biden admin defending the actions of the "Big Guy" & his family, answer me this. Why did members of the Biden family receive significant amounts of money from a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy?" Rep. Donalds inquired.

Specifically, Sams cited an article by the American Independent; which describes itself as "the No. 1 digital platform for progressive news," which reported a poll conducted by the Congressional Integrity Project that found 63% of responders would have preferred Congress spend time on issues related to healthcare and inflation, while 29% preferred focus on the Biden investigations.

Though Donalds does not refer to the article during his appearance on Fox, he does say Sams' actions only "show how much the White House is concerned about this."

"And let me show you how much that the White House is concerned about this. Now they sent out this guy, Ian Sams. He's their spokesperson of oversight and investigations, and he's now tweeting back at Committee Oversight members on the Republican side of the aisle saying, 'oh, we should've supported Joe Biden in the CHIPS Act. That boondoggle, instead of this. This is how much they're fighting back against these allegations, because the data and the information is going to speak for itself," says Donalds.

Donalds had previously stated in November that the Republican-led investigations into the Biden family are far different from the Democrat-led investigations of Donald Trump.

"“Unlike the Democrats, we don’t have a goal in mind. And then we’re just going to prosecute and find different ways to get there. We’re going to let the evidence and the details dictate where this goes," Donalds said.

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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