DeSantis Says he’s a ‘Threat’ to Democrats

DeSantis Says he’s a ‘Threat’ to Democrats

“I am not afraid to stand up to them and protect the people of my state from their destructive agenda.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 21, 2022

Legal woes continue to mount against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). However, Gov. DeSantis appears to not back down in directing criticism at his political rivals. In a message to supporters, DeSantis calls himself “a threat to their agenda.” Saying that “the Left is scared of freedom,” DeSantis vows to continue standing firm on his political decisions.

After directing two flights of undocumented immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, the Governor received some pushback from lawmakers both at the state and federal levels. A Texas Sheriff announced that a criminal investigation had been opened against DeSantis, and now some of the immigrants on the flight are suing the Florida Governor in a class action lawsuit alleging fraud.

While the Governor has championed his effort, questioning why Democrats have not taken a more active approach on tackling the issue of illegal immigration, DeSantis is now affirming that Democrats “fear” him.

“I am not afraid to stand up to them and protect the people of my state from their destructive agenda,” DeSantis argued. In the upcoming midterm election, he faces Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D), whom DeSantis calls an “elitist Democrat.”

In the Governor’s message, DeSantis mentioned the numerous people and entities that he’s “stood up to,” claiming that it has all been to preserve the freedom of Floridians.

From Dr. Fauci to the teachers’ unions to Washington Democrats, Governor DeSantis argued that he’s protected Florida from their control, which is an argument that further divided the political world.

“I stood up to Anthony Fauci when he tried to push his disastrous schemes on America,” DeSantis claimed, adding that “while lockdown liberals made hysterical power-grabs, I protected Floridians’ jobs, protected the right to worship together in-person, and put freedom first.”

DeSantis added that he’s confronted Washington Democrats “who want to federalize elections and make it easier to commit fraud by ensuring that we have fair and free elections in Florida where every legal vote counts.”

One such Democrat that DeSantis has rivaled with is California Governor Gavin Newsom (D), who called for the Department of Justice to investigate DeSantis.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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