After Gov. Ron DeSantis called the Washington Post story about Christina Pushaw registering as a foreign agent for work she did in the country of Georgia (not the Peach state) a "smear story," Rep. Charlie Crist referred to Pushaw as some "Secret foreign agent"
"Well, looks like Ron DeSantis’ Communications Director is a secret foreign agent. That tracks," tweeted Rep. Scott. Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried chimed in as well, stating," As governor, I won’t have an unregistered foreign agent as my spokesperson. Because I’m not Ron DeSantis."
Pushaw has also decided to take another jab at "liberal media activists."
"What do liberal media activists have in common with Vladimir Putin? ... They both think Georgia is Russia," stated Pushaw on Twitter
The Floridian decided to tickle everyone's funny bone by producing this spiffy little video about Pushaw's stint as a "special agent."
Secret Agent @ChristinaPushaw stars in the spy story of the century—"From Florida With Love."
Opening NOV 8 in "Woke" Theaters nationwide!
Based on a true story >>
-Florida First Productions & @Floridianpress #FlPol #Florida
— Javier Manjarres (@JavManjarres) June 9, 2022