Suarez Touts Miami's Economic 'Boom' at Davos

Suarez Touts Miami's Economic 'Boom' at Davos

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
May 24, 2022

Miami-Dade County Mayor Francis Suarez attended the World Economic Forum. While there, he has praised Miami-Dade County, sharing that it has had the best pandemic recovery effort in the entire country. The crypto aficionado touted Miami's economic "boom" compared to other cities in the country, highlighting that Miami wants to "export" what it has learned post-pandemic to other cities across the country to promote the same financial and technological surge that Miami has experienced.

"Cities across America are facing unprecedented challenges, and certainly the pandemic has exacerbated those challenges," shared Suarez in a segment shared on social media from his participation in a Davos World Economic Forum 2022 panel.

Suarez serves as the President of U.S. Conference of Mayors, which is a non-partisan organization of cities that include a population of 30,000 and larger and which is represented by their mayor.

In  taking part in the panel, Suarez championed the growth that Miami has been able to accomplish, affirming that he is "looking for ways to replicate these successes not only across the country but also the world."

"Miami is a bit of a counter-narrative because we are number one in the nation right now in pandemic recovery," Suarez informed, adding that "there were some other macro factors that in combination with the pandemic, led to a resurgence, and it's sort of a technology and finance resurgence in our city."

He went on to explain that Miami "attracted over the last 18 months about $2  trillion assets under management companies to the city in just under two years, so Miami experienced a boom."

As  a result of said growth, the Mayor now says he is undertaking the task of wanting "to export some of  the things that we've learned in Miami" across the country to ensure that other cities also benefit from the lucrative "boom" Miami is experiencing.

Suarez will be speaking Tuesday morning at the World Economic Forum alongside Enrique Acevedo and Sheila Warren in a discussion titled the Future of Crypto: the View from Miami.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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