Deutch ‘Horrified’ With Russia’s Continued war Efforts

Deutch ‘Horrified’ With Russia’s Continued war Efforts

“I continue to be horrified by Vladimir Putin’s violent invasion of Ukraine and the scope of civilian suffering.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
April 6, 2022

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, U.S. lawmakers are sharing their support for Ukraine. This week, Florida Rep. Ted Deutch (D) expressed his disappointment in Russia’s continued war efforts, arguing that he’s “horrified” at what Russia has done to Ukrainian civilians.

Both Democrats and Republicans have made calls for the Biden administration to amp up its aid to Ukraine.

In comments shared with the Sun-Sentinel, Deutch expressed concern over the implications of the continued war efforts that Russia has perpetrated.

“I continue to be horrified by Vladimir Putin’s violent invasion of Ukraine and the scope of civilian suffering,” Deutch said, adding that “as millions of Ukrainians flee their homeland and millions more endure displacement, the eyes of the world in the coming days will be on the continuing efforts to isolate Putin and degrade his standing in the world, the recent reports of strategic fumbles by the Russian military, and the efforts to reach a ceasefire that can save the lives of Ukrainian citizens.”

The Florida Democrat reaffirmed his “strong support of all U.S. efforts to support the people of Ukraine as they fight to defend democracy.”

The war effort has now lasted over 40 days, and President Joe Biden (D) has maintained that the United States will support Ukraine in its defense efforts.

The President vowed to “ratchet up the pain” on Russia by enacting new sanctions against the country and Putin. Jen Psaki, who announced that she will be leaving the Biden administration, provided more information regarding the sanctions, saying that the administration has “seen a pattern over time of President Putin and Russian oligarchs stashing assets and resources in the bank accounts and of their family members, so this was an effort to get at those assets.”

“We’ve seen Russia’s economy collapse by 15%, wiping out the gains made in the last 15 years, inflation is spiking up to 15%,” Psaki added, noting that “Russia is set to lose its status as a major economy and our objective is to implement those consequences to make it much more difficult for President Putin to fund the war.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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