Stephanie Murphy Votes to Hold Trump Associates in Contempt

Stephanie Murphy Votes to Hold Trump Associates in Contempt

Peter Navarro has attempted to use executive privilege as a way to get around a subpoena.

Jackson Bakich
Jackson Bakich
March 29, 2022

Per a press release today sent out by by Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), the Florida Congresswoman is “Recommending contempt charges for Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino.” In the allotted time that she spoke, she did not mention Mr. Scavino. However, legislator went full-on attack mode on Mr. Navarro.

As part of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, Rep. Murphy mentioned that Navarro was subpoenaed by the committee because, according to the legislator,

“We sought documents and testimony regarding his efforts to discredit the election and to prevent the results from being certified.”

However, Peter Navarro did not comply to the subpoena.

Instead, he is attempting to invoke executive privilege in order to get around the call to testify, but the House of Representatives and then possibly the Justice Department could decide his fate.

Murphy continued, “Most fundamentally, neither the incumbent nor the former President has asserted privilege regarding Mr. Navarro’s testimony or document production to the committee – and Mr. Navarro has no unilateral authority to assert privilege himself.”

Finally, she stated, “Evidently, Mr. Navarro is only concerned with executive privilege – with keeping certain matters confidential – when it is convenient. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for the American public, that’s not how the law works…As a result of his actions, Mr. Navarro is clearly in contempt of Congress and should be referred to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.”

The full statement can be found here:

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Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich

Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is currently a senior at Florida State University. Growing up in the sunshine state, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee.

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