Rick Scott: 'Biden Needs to Show the Heck up' On Cuba

Rick Scott: 'Biden Needs to Show the Heck up' On Cuba

Biden Admin still have cold feet on addressing Communism

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
July 15, 2021

As the tensions mount in Cuba and protests continue, the long-standing Communist regime is being challenged by its own people and Cuban-American activists alike.  Although we have seen pivotal moves from notable politicians such as Gov. DeSantis (R-FL) attempting to supply internet access to the island, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) does not think the US is doing enough and has officially called on President Biden (D) "to show the heck up!"

Sen. Scott took to Twitter today in an effort to bring attention to the current crisis in Cuba, and more importantly, the antagonizing history of the Castro regime and the oppression of the Cuban people over the decades.  Below is a video Scott assembled and posted to his Twitter:

"The Castro regime has been around, decade after decade, and oppressed the Cuban people for decades."  Adding that we're currently seeing the Castro regime "beating up peaceful protesters.  They're kidnapping leaders and we do not know what's happening to these leaders."

The Senator pivoted the conversation to the United States' response, asserting that "Joe Biden needs to show the heck up!  Where is Joe Biden?  Where is the international community that all believe in freedom and democracy, but when it's for Cubans, they're silent."

Scott called on not only the Biden administration, but also the European Union, and "all freedom-loving people all over the world" to say "enough is enough and say 'we are all with the Cuban population.'"

The pressure continues to mount for President Biden to break his silence on the predicament in Cuba as Fox News' own Peter Doocy added to his long history of squabbles with Press Secretary Jen Psaki when she refused to acknowledge the communist state of the Cuban government.

Doocy asked "Do you think people are leaving Cuba because they don't like Communism" in which Psaki danced around the question "I think we've been pretty clear that we think people are leaving Cuba because they are opposed to the oppression, to the mismanagement of the government in the country."

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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