Sprowls Endorses Anderson in House run

Sprowls Endorses Anderson in House run

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
June 8, 2021

Last week, Adam Anderson (R) announced that he was launching a Congressional bid to replace term-limited Florida Rep. Chris Sprowls (R). In making his announcement, Anderson shared that his campaign is based on the “vision for what the next Chapter of Florida’s success story looks like,” and Sprowls, who is also serving as the current Florida Speaker of the House, has formally endorsed Anderson, calling him “a conservative leader we can count on to stand up for our values.”

Currently, Anderson is the sole Republican running for the district seat, and Kelly Lynn Johnson (D) is the sole Democrat running for the red district as well. However, in a statement, Sprowls endorsed the local businessman as what the district needs.

“I’m proud to stand with Adam Anderson in his bid to represent North Pinellas in the Florida House,” Sprowls said, adding that “Adam is a conservative leader we can count on to stand up for our values, keep Florida moving in the right direction, and lead with courage and conviction.” Sprowls asserted that Floridians “need leaders like Adam who will continue to be a champion for innovative and common-sense public policy that improves the lives of all Floridians.”

In response to Sprowls’ endorsement, Anderson praised the work that Sprowls has done as Congressman of Florida’s 65th district.

“The state of Florida and our North Pinellas community are a better place because of the service and leadership for speaker Chris Sprowls,” Anderson noted, expressing that Sprowls “is a champion for our conservative principles and is a dedicated public servant who has led our state through trying times.”

Anderson concluded by saying that he is “proud to have earned his trust to fill the seat he’s represented with distinction over these past seven years.”

The most recent tabulation from the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections shows the GOP with an estimated advantage of 13,000 voters.

There are currently 38,172 registered Democrats and 52,670 registered Republicans.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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