The first bill of Florida's 2021 legislative session has been gaining tons of traction with Floridians since its filing on January 6th, 2021. HB 1, which is still under-considered, just had its first reading this week
The controversial bill also referred to as 'Combating Public Disorder', intends to stiffen penalties for individuals who undermine social order through damaging government property, of any kind or targeting law enforcement. This legislation would apply to rioters of all types, regardless of what movement they represent or adhere to.
The bill is very popular among Florida Conservatives, as Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has pressed upon the Republican-led legislature to pass the legislation so he can sign it into law, but not with Democrats.
Florida Democrat State Senator Shevrin Jones (D-35) told The Floridian that he believes this bill is a partisan cheap shot at Black Lives Matter protestors who demonstrated across the country last Summer.
Senator Jones stated that it "was the governor's "solution" to silence the George Floyd organizers."
Jones then went on to characterize the bill as, "not only not necessary, but the timing is insensitive to the real issues that we should be dealing with in this state, like Covid!"
The Senator continues to believe that the partisan bill will only serve as, "a detriment to local governments."
The bill as its written is expected to pass and land on Gov. DeSantis' desk for signing. If all goes as planned, the law could take effect on July 1, 2021
Below is DeSantis' tweet with a checklist of HB1 modifications to the current law from January 2, 2021:
The safety of Floridians will always be a high priority, and in 2020 we worked hard to ensure Floridians are protected through the rule of law.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) January 2, 2021