Biden's Immigration Reform Creates Legislative Furor

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 2, 2021

Immigration reform continues to be a controversial topic of discussion after President Joe Biden (D) issued an order to reopen a Texas Detention Facility. In turn, the administration received criticism from Republicans calling Biden a hypocrite and the ACLU directing a letter expressing its disappointment. Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) is now sharing his thoughts, commenting on immigration reform and why lawmakers have faced a gridlock in responding to the concerns of DREAMers.

In an interview with Jim DeFede on Facing South Florida, the Florida lawmaker discussed the recent surge in migration at the Southern border, expressing that he feels “tremendous compassion for these people” because he understands “what they are fleeing.” However, Rubio also noted that “the people that are bringing them here, are horrible, evil human beings.” “These traffickers, they take advantage of them, they rape the women, some of these people don’t even make the journey, they charge them thousands of dollars,” Rubio added. As a result, “when you allow a group to show up at the border and allow them in because they have children, you are basically creating an incentive to bring children on that dangerous journey.”

In reference to a vetting process, Rubio questioned, “how do we know that that’s really their parents and not some child that was brought along?” With this, he praised the Trump administration by saying that “you have to protect those children by putting them in a place” and “that’s what the Trump administration tried to do, and they were roundly criticized for it.”

Finally, the Republican, who faces a reelection year in 2022, also praised the Trump administration on its decision regarding DREAMers.

“He made a very generous offer, and it was turned down because [Democrats] didn’t just want the DREAMers, they also wanted their parents, and they also wanted them to then use their new status to be able to bring relatives to come in from abroad,” he detailed.

“Most immigrants simply want to be legalized, or want a process to be legalized,” he affirmed, and this has proven difficult for lawmakers to come to an agreement on because Democrats “are the ones that are not willing to compromise on this.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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