Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), who represents a significant amount of Venezuelan-American voters in her South Florida congressional district, tweeted that President Trump was no friend of the Venezuelan people because he refuses to allow refugees from that country to enter the U.S.
“Trump claims to care about #Venezuela, but as he publicly condemns Maduro, he turns away Venezuelans seeking refuge and freedom from the brutal regime,” stated Rep. Wasserman Schultz. “ It’s time to end the hypocrisy. It’s time for President Biden.”
Trump claims to care about #Venezuela, but as he publicly condemns Maduro, he turns away Venezuelans seeking refuge and freedom from the brutal regime. It’s time to end the hypocrisy. It’s time for President Biden.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) November 1, 2020
Wasserman Schultz and other members of Florida’s House Democratic Caucus, along with Sen. Marco Rubio (R) and Rick Scott (R), have all expressed their concerns over the president’s refusal to sign an executive edict, or sign a comprehensive legislative measure that would grant Temporary Protection Status (TPS) to Venezuelans.
"An invite is easy. Granting TPS protection to those fleeing #Venezuela requires Trump to challenge his xenophobic base,” stated Wasserman Schultz. "Trump affirmed our bipartisan U.S. support for Juan Guaido. Good! But he did nothing for those fearing deportation back to a dangerous corrupt homeland."
But just as Democrats like Wasserman Schultz are saying that Dictator Nicholas Maduro’s reign of terror needs to end in Venezuela, support for interim President Juan Guaido needs to continue, and that blanket TPS for Venezuelans needs to happen, the New York Times has reported that under a Biden administration, the relationship between the U.S. and Guaido will cease to exist.
Biden’s advisors have said that Biden would once again normalize relations with Communist Cuba, and have admitted that if he is elected, Biden would also try to normalize relations with Venezuela.
“Biden would betray the people of Venezuela in their fight for freedom and kneel before their brutal dictatorship," said Mercedes Schlapp, advisor to President Trump.
“The vice president fundamentally believes that the United States should be operating in mutual respect and a sense of shared responsibility,” said Jake Sullivan, Biden’s senior foreign policy advisor
According to the New York Times, “Mr. Biden’s advisers said they would seek common ground with Cuba and roll back some of the travel and remittances restrictions Mr. Trump put in place, seeing steps to normalize relations as the most promising approach toward bringing about change in the island. But the campaign has not prioritized engagement with Cuba, an issue that remains deeply polarizing among Cuban American voters, who have wielded enormous influence in past elections.
This past Friday, the Trump campaign released a video showing Dictator Nicholas Maduro praising "Comrade Biden" about a meeting the two men had while he was acting vice president.
Venezuelan-Americans appear to be breaking for President Trump in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro is seen praising "Comrade Biden" and discussing their friendly 2015 meeting in a resurfaced video. It's DISGUSTING!
Joe Biden is TOO WEAK to stand up to the Radical Left! Only President Trump can stop SOCIALISM! #LatinosForTrump
— Equipo Trump - Text VAMOS to 88022 (@EquipoTrump) October 31, 2020