JUICE - Florida Politics' Juicy Read -10.15.20 - Trump Could Lose, But...- Young Voters Mobilized - DMP's Medicare For All Flip Flop - AIF Makes More Endorsements - More...

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
October 15, 2020


President Trump in the 11th Hour of the Election

Republicans don’t want to hear it, but there is a real chance that President Donald Trump loses re-election next month.

Trump is down in all the polls by a larger number at this point in 2016. That’s just a fact.

Democrats are galvanized to go out and vote, not because they believe Vice President Joe Biden is a great candidate (he really sucks), but because they hate Trump.

They hate Trump, not because of his winning policies, but because of his personality and the words that keep coming out of his mouth.

If the plain-speaking Trump does lose, it will be his own doing, and because of the unforced errors, he has committed.

Democrats and Independents would rather look past the fact that Biden is probably in the beginning stages of Dementia, and will probably embarrass the U.S. with all those uncontrollable gaffes he makes, than vote for Trump.

It doesn’t matter to Democrats. Hating Trump makes more sense to them than voting for a senile president. 

And to those idiots Lincoln Project members like Rick Wilson (what happened Rick?), grifting seems to be the only reason they are attacking the president.

Considering how these “prominent Republicans” (laughable) are openly supporting Biden and attacking Trump using Democrat donor funds, it is clear that they do not care about the future of America, rather the future of their bottom line.

You may not like Trump as a person, I get it, but how can you vote or support the Biden/Harris ticket that all-but promises raise tax hikes, more socialized medicine, and a job-killing environmental agenda.

Biden/Harris = Socialist agenda

But there is hope. The latest Trafalgar poll has Trump winning Florida, and it seems as if Trump’s national polling is on an upward tick.

The election is expected to be super tight, but could Trump turn it around and pull it off in the coming days?

If he does win, images of emotional carnage in the Democratic party and priceless online video meltdowns will be unprecedented…



Hunter and Dad

Oh, and it doesn’t matter that Biden lied about Burisma Holdings and his son Biden. Social media platforms' event suppressed the NY Post story. The smoking gun emails are right here. READ MORE


Marco Rubio @marcorubio-#AmyConeyBarrett’s composure & confidence is impressive. She is smarter & far more knowledgeable on the law than the senators trying to derail her.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz @DWStweets-It's scary that Judge Barrett proclaims to be so ignorant on climate change & thinks it's not relevant to her job. #SCOTUS just agreed to hear an appeal from Shell (where her dad worked) on climate change. We don't need a climate denier on the court.

Rick Scott @SenRickScott -The @UN Human Rights Council must be confused about their purpose - to promote and protect human rights across the globe. Allowing #Cuba, an oppressive and murderous regime, to be a member of the council is outrageous and validates their vile treatment of the people of Cuba.

Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz-America will defeat COVID-19 just like President @realDonaldTrump did!

Rep. Lois Frankel @RepLoisFrankel-'m glad to see @Facebook take this important step to combat the #antisemetic practice of denying the #Holocaust on its platform.

Rep. Brian Mast @RepBrianMast-Harmony Allen has been a relentless fighter to hold her rapist accountable. It was my honor to help elevate her case to the Supreme Court & listen to yesterday’s momentous hearing with Harmony. Now we fight to pass Harmony’s Law & prevent convicted rapists from being released!






“Younger Voters Are Mobilizing to Help Work the Polls” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – Every election year, Florida proves to be a critical battleground state that has the potential to dictate who wins the presidency. Recent polling indicates that President Trump and Vice President Biden are tied neck and neck, with both candidates having secured 45 percent of likely voters. In recognition of this, President Trump, Vice President Biden, and their respective campaign teams are working tirelessly to secure the remaining votes still up for grabs. Yet, for the election to go over smoothly, it is paramount that Florida has the right infrastructure in place so that every vote can be counted, and every Floridian can safely visit an in-person polling location. For this to happen, we must ensure that the ballot boxes are fully staffed with well-trained poll workers so Florida can avoid the same overpopulated in-person polling locations that Wisconsin recently experienced. Reports indicate that a nationwide shortage of poll workers due to the coronavirus pandemic is possible, as nearly 900,000 poll workers are required to work the ballot boxes. Older Americans have traditionally been on the frontlines of our democracy during election years, working tirelessly at in-person polling locations to provide a structured environment where voters can count on their ballot being tallied. These veteran poll workers have been a reliable resource in previous years, helping to run the complicated process of operating voting locations, as well as managing voters and guiding them in the practice of exercising their Fifth Amendment right. This year, though, is different.

“New Poll: President Donald Trump Beating Joe Biden in Florida” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – Less than three weeks to go until the November 3 election, and while all the national polls have Vice President Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by double-digits, the latest Trafalgar Group poll in Florida could be showing the last hour shift in favor of President Trump. According to the poll, Trump leads Biden by 2.3 percentage points in Florida. All of the other polls conducted in the sunshine state have Biden’s lead in the low single digits, so the Trafalgar poll could be telling an even bigger story of support for the president across the nation.

“AIF Announces new Batch of Endorsements” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina – The Associated Industries of Florida has announced their endorsements for candidates that are running for both the Florida Senate and House of Representatives in the upcoming 2020 General Election. In a statement, AIF President and CEO Tom Feeney commented that the AIF is “proud to announce AIF’s 2020 General Election endorsements for Florida Senate and House candidates,” noting that “with early voting beginning next week and voters soon heading to the polls to cast their ballots, AIF is putting its support behind this additional slate of strong candidates who will fight for the best interest of Florida’s employers and employees.” Moreover, Feeney expressed that “Floridians looking to support individuals who are committed to helping our state’s businesses and economy rebound from the recent downturn can feel confident voting for these AIF-endorsed candidates.”

“Mucarsel-Powell supports Medicare for All, but now says its “not the time to discuss” it” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – In October 2019, Rep.Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) told The Floridian that she didn’t support the Progressive “Medicare for All” healthcare measure, stating that Americans were not ready for the healthcare initiative. Rep. Mucarsel-Powell was asked if she supported the “Medicare for All” legislature, but instead of saying she supported it, the freshman congresswoman said that now was “not the time to discuss” the measure, signaling that she was not in support of it, but rather continued her support for the Affordable Care Act. Mucarsel-Powell reiterated her support for President Barack Obama’s legacy Affordable Care Act (ACA) legislation, but said that I needed to be fixed because it was unaffordable due to insurance premiums, deductible, and copayments are “so high.” “People can’t get appointments with their doctors, and when they do, their premiums are so high, their copayments are so high, their deductibles are so high, that they can’t afford it,” said Mucarsel-Powell “Many people just wait, and then it’s too late.” Mucarsel-Powell continues to say that she supports the ACA, but back in a 2018 interview with POLITICO, then-candidate Mucarsel-Powell stated, “I definitely think that we need to get there” when asked if she supported Medicare for All.

“Shalala Accuses Trump of “Spreading” COVID-19” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina – When news struck that President Trump (R) had been diagnosed with COVID-19, questions arose regarding how that would affect the upcoming November election. The President quarantined, was hospitalized, and upon being released and asserting that he had tested negative, the President hit the campaign trail once again to rally support behind his reelection campaign. In turn, the President has gone back to drawing large crowds at the events, but the President is also facing criticism from Democrats who argue that the campaign events are not safe and that the President is not leading by example to keep Americans safe as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the United States. In turn, Florida Rep. Donna Shalala (D) was a guest on CNN where she expressed her disapproval of the President’s continued rallies, detailing that “President Trump is now moving around the country, hosting rallies and spreading this disease.” “The thought that he is doing this as part of a political campaign is outrageous and immoral,” she added. This comes after President Trump and his doctors both have assured the public that the President has tested negative for COVID-19, and it also comes at a time when Vice President Joe Biden (D) is leading the President in the polls.

“Lawmakers Slam Cuba’s Entry into the Human Rights Council” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina – After it was reported that the United Nations had elected Cuba to its Human Rights Council, the United Nations received heavy criticism for its decision to do so. Primarily, most of the criticism has been launched by lawmakers in South Florida, who have actively slammed the Cuban dictatorship for its numerous human rights violations. Similarly, in a bipartisan manner, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have now taken to Twitter to urge the United Nations to reconsider its decision to add Cuba to its Human Rights Council. Florida Rep. Donna Shalala (D), currently running a reelection bid against her 2018 Republican rival Maria Elvira Salazar, shared her disapproval on Twitter, arguing that “this is a grave error.” “The Castro regime has never stopped being oppressive and authoritarian,” she added, noting that Cuba “is undeserving of a seat on the council.” As well, Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) also voiced his displeasure at the election, expressing that “the Human Rights Council must be confused about their purpose – to promote and protect human right, allowing Cuba, an oppressive and murderous regime, to be a member of the council is outrageous.” Cuba was elected into the United Nations’ Human Rights Council with 170 votes out of 192 valid ballots, and in Cuba’s candidacy statement, the country vowed to promote “cultural rights” while asserting that the country has exhibited a “participatory and democratic character.”

“Florida's Hispanics Could Decide The Election” by WUWF’s Steve Newborn – "I have my heritage and my vote. I have my business and my vote. I have my communities and my vote. As Hispanics, as Latinos, our voice is often neglected. It's dismissed. It's ignored. By voting, it's one of the only ways, the only tools we have that we could insure that our voice is heard." This is the soundtrack to one of 18 "get-out-the-vote" videos produced by a non-partisan coalition called Respeta Mi Gente (Respect My People). The coalition is made up of more than 20 civic groups groups in Central Florida dedicated to getting out the Puerto Rican vote. The video is hosted by Daniela Droz, a TV and radio personality who moved to the Orlando area after the island was battered by Hurricane Maria. "In every presidential election since 1992, the winner of Florida has gone on to the White House. And the Puerto Ricans make up the largest Hispanic group in the state of Florida," Droz said, introducing the campaign. "And that's what we're seeing in this upcoming election. And that's why we are here today." For decades, courting Florida's Hispanic vote mainly meant trying to sway Cubans who fled Fidel Castro's regime in the 1960's. They formed a mostly reliable Republican voting bloc - as did subsequent waves of people fleeing Socialism in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua. But Hurricane Maria forced hundreds of thousands of American citizens from Puerto Rico into tourism-related jobs in Orange and Osceola counties — jobs that have since evaporated because of the coronavirus pandemic. "Cubans skew Republican, the Puerto Ricans skew Democratic. So you can't assume an appeal to Hispanic voters in Florida will be received in the same way by those two constituencies," said Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor at Stetson College of Law in St. Petersburg. She's descended from Afro-Cubans who left the island in 1900.

“Donald Trump Jr. heads back to Florida to campaign for his father's reelection” by WTSP – Re-election efforts for President Donald Trump do not appear to be letting up in the Sunshine State. The president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. is back in Florida campaigning for his father. It is the latest in a string of events he has held in the battleground state over the last few days. His visit includes four campaign rallies, including one right here in Tampa Bay. The president's campaign announced, Trump Jr. will be at the Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater for a "Make America Great Again" event at 3 p.m. on Friday. Anyone interested in attending can get two tickets per phone number here. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Trump Jr. will also make stops in Palm Beach on Friday and Ormond Beach on Saturday. Details have yet to be released on where his fourth stop will be. The president's campaign continues Florida stops at a time where getting Florida voters' attention appears to be key. As of Oct. 14, just over 1.9 million mail-in ballots have already been submitted in the state.

“Republican Rep. Josie Tomkow faces stiffer challenge for second term in Fla. District 39” by The Ledger’s Maya Lora – Rep. Josie Tomkow, R-Polk City, will need to defeat a Democratic challenger to retain her seat representing Florida House District 39, a feat she accomplished easily in 2018. But Chris Cause, 47, said he brings greater competition than Ricky Shirah did last election because he has "reasonable, solid alternatives that reach across the aisle." "Why do I have a chance? Because I think people are looking for a change," Cause said. "I think that Democratic enthusiasm is at an all-time high. I think that the Democratic opponent in 2018 was not able to resonate with people in the same way that I can." Still, District 39 leans Republican. The district encompasses northern Polk County, including Auburndale and Polk City, and stretches east into Osceola County, covering Celebration. According to the Polk County Supervisor of Elections, there are 42,529 registered Republican voters in House District 39 as opposed to 33,549 registered Democrats. There are over 32,000 unaffiliated voters. Tomkow, 24, turned the red tide to her advantage in 2018, handily defeating her Democratic opponent, Shirah, twice. In May of that year, Tomkow took 60% of the vote in a special election to replace Rep. Neil Combee, who left for a job with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency and endorsed Tomkow. When Tomkow and Shirah faced off again in November, she beat him by roughly the same margin.

“Florida’s Pinellas County could hold the key to the Trump-Biden election” by CNBC’s Valerie Block – If you want to know who will win the 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden on Nov. 3, Florida’s Pinellas County may be able to tell you. Pinellas is the biggest swing county in the ultimate swing state. The county has picked the right horse in every presidential race since 1980, except for 2000, when it voted for Al Gore in what became one of the most contested elections in U.S. history. “The county has a track record,” said Susan MacManus, University of South Florida professor emerita of political science. Pinellas sits just west of Tampa, along Florida’s central Gulf Coast. Its population is just shy of 1 million. Once a bastion of conservatism, Pinellas has become a purple place, with Republicans dominating the northern part of the county, Democrats the south and a melting pot in the middle. “It’s got the three key geographies of politics,” said MacManus. “It’s got very rural areas, very suburban areas and a big urban area in St. Petersburg that is ethnically diverse.” And, while it could be days or even weeks before the vote is certified nationwide, Pinellas should be in the bag by 11 p.m. ET on election night, said Pinellas Democratic Chair Barbara Scott. That’s because unlike many states that have expanded mail-in voting to offer a safer alternative to in-person voting during the coronavirus pandemic, Florida has years of experience with mail-in ballots. While the Sunshine State is known for election-night hiccups and razor-thin margins, Pinellas County isn’t usually among the trouble spots.

“Democrats leading on absentee voting in Florida” by Fox News’ Caitlin McFall – Florida Democrats have cast their vote through mail-in voting in sweeping numbers, outpacing Republican absentee ballots by more than 400,000 votes, according to state election numbers. President Trump won by a slim margin in 2016 in the number of votes cast through mail-in ballots, surpassing Democrats with more than 58,000 votes. But it appears that Democrats will be leading the state for mail-in ballots during the 2020 election with nearly 1.6 million ballots requested, as opposed to the 1.2 million ballots requested by Republicans. Though the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots already received could be a result of the expected decrease of in-person voting due to the coronavirus, it could also mean that more Democrats are going to be voting in the General Election. President Trump won Florida by a slim margin in 2016, beating Hillary Clinton by 1.2 percent, according to The New York Times. Trump headed to Florida earlier this week in his first trip after his coronavirus diagnosis, a signal that the campaign is focusing on Florida voters. Donald Trump Jr. also made his way to Florida over the weekend as a part of the campaign’s Fighters Against Socialism Bus Tour, where he warned Floridians that their “Freedoms are at stake,” according to the Tampa Bay Times. "This time it’s real," he added. "Because you have socialism and Marxism on the ballot.”

“Covid Death Rate in Florida’s Nursing Homes Exceeded the National Average in Last 4 Weeks, Infections Are Double” by Flagler Live – A national Covid-19 “dashboard” released today by AARP shows that the death rate of Florida nursing-home residents over a recent four-week period exceeded the national average. The AARP online site, which looks at nursing-home data for four weeks ending Sept. 20, shows that 1.38 of every 200 nursing home residents in Florida died from Covid-19. Nationally, about one out of every 200 nursing home residents died from Covid-19. In Flagler County, the state’s data indicates that two residents of Flagler Health and Rehabilitation have died, and one resident at Tuscan Gardens of Palm Coast has died of covid-related causes. Also, the rate of infected nursing-home residents in Florida was 4.5 percent, compared to 2.6 percent nationally. Moreover, the rate of infected staff members in Florida nursing homes was 3.9 per 100 residents, exceeding the national average of 2.5 per 100 residents. AARP Florida spokesman Dave Bruns said Florida is the “grayest” state in the nation. One in five residents is age 65 or older, or 20.4 percent of the population, compared to 13.4 percent nationally. “If there is any place that should be focusing on this, it should be the Sunshine State.” Bruns told The News Service of Florida. The AARP dashboard has national and state information and is based on data the nursing home industry reported to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for the four-week period between Aug. 24 and Sept. 20. That period included a Sept. 1 move by Florida to allow visitation to resume at nursing homes, after months of the facilities being locked down to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

“Florida parents fight back against school mask mandates with lawsuit fundraiser” by Fox News’ Nick Givas – As schools in Florida work to return to a normal schedule following the COVID-19 outbreak, there are some parents who are fighting back against mask mandates and other coronavirus regulations being imposed by the state. One anti-mask group had raised $11,300 (after setting a goal of $11.000) through a GoFundMe campaign as of Wednesday evening, to hire an attorney to legally oppose mask mandates from the Sarasota County School district. The page said the funds would go toward paying the cost of a potential lawsuit to overturn the facial covering directive. "It is not the role nor responsibility of the public school district to make medical decisions for all families universally," a message from the fundraising page reads. "Each family has the right and freedom to make medical decisions independently. We expect and demand that those rights are recognized by the Sarasota County School district and its board." "They have overstepped their authority and must be reminded that they are accountable to the voting public," the post went on to say. "We are taking action to have the mask mandate decision reversed immediately for the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our children. The decisions made by the board are not in the best interest of the people they serve. "With your help WE CAN fight for optional masks, fair and equal means of education and providing a healthy and beneficial learning environment for our children and teachers," it continued. "This is the full cost of the suit from beginning to end. Every donation helps and we look forward to continuing to fight this battle with you!" This news comes after the Pinellas County School Board also received backlash when it extended the district’s mask mandate, despite objections from parents who said the coverings are not necessary and are harmful to their children, The Tampa Bay Times reported.

“First transgender woman to run for Florida State Senate dies from cancer” by WCJB’s Ruelle Fludd – Melina Rayna Barratt lost her battle with thyroid cancer Tuesday night although her legacy lives on. “And anytime she came to our campus she was making it a better place,” said Sarah Blanc, the Civic Engagement and Service specialist at Santa Fe College. She kept Barratt at close quarters to keep students engaged in social justice; an area Barratt was heavily involved with . “Because she could draw in any student with her warmth and her outgoing personality and get them engaged in a discussion about important issues,” added Blanc. “And also, one of the biggest reasons that I loved bringing Melina around our students is she was such a role model for using your power.” Barratt wanted to use her power to fight for equity for all women by running for public office. She was running for the 5th district State Senate seat as a Democrat against Republican Jennifer Bradley. “Vote for Melina despite the fact that she’s crossed over,” added Lakey Love, the secretary of Florida National Organization for Women. As the Legislative Director of FL NOW, Barratt traveled to Tallahassee for the legislative session to be a voice for marginalized communities. “(Barrett) was never ashamed of saying she’s a trans woman,” said Love. “She’s the first trans woman to run for the Florida Senate and a vote for Melina still this voting season is a vote for the power of not only women but for transgender people and active feminists who are fighting patriarchy and misogyny here in the state of Florida.”

 “Amy Coney Barrett tells Democratic senator: 'I hope you aren’t suggesting I don’t have my own mind'” by Fox News’ Marisa Schultz – Amy Coney Barrett staked out on Wednesday her judicial independence -- even from her mentor -- during another day of intense questioning on Capitol Hill where she tried to assure senators she would be an impartial jurist who would weigh opposing views fairly. President Trump's Supreme Court nominee already distanced herself from Trump's tweets on Tuesday -- arguing she would be nobody's "pawn." But on Wednesday, Barrett also distinguished herself from Justice Antonin Scalia, the late conservative icon for whom Barrett clerked. Since Barrett admittedly subscribes to the same originalist judicial philosophy that Scalia championed, Democrats claim that Scalia's past votes against Obamacare, gay marriage and the Voting Rights Act would be hers too. But under questioning from Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., Barrett told the senator it's unfair to expect she would decide a case just as her mentor had done. "I hope that you aren't suggesting that I don't have my own mind," Barrett said, "or that I couldn't think independently or that I would just decide like, 'Let me see what Justice Scalia has said about this in the past.' "I assure you I have my own mind." Coons was making the case that adding Barrett to the court to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal icon, will have a "profound" impact to swing the court in the conservative direction with a 6-3 majority. Coons brought up a poster board of roughly 120 Supreme Court cases that were decided by a 5-4 majority where Ginsburg was in the majority and Scalia dissented.

“Republican Massachusetts governor will not support Trump's reelection effort” by CNN’s Alison Main, Keith Allen and Caroline Kelly – Republican Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker isn't backing President Donald Trump's reelection bid, his communications director Lizzy Guyton told CNN affiliate WCVB on Wednesday. "The governor cannot support Donald Trump for president and is focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic," Guyton wrote in an email. "He'll leave the election analysis to the pundits." At a news conference earlier Wednesday, the governor said he would "take a pass" when asked who he was supporting for president. Baker's office later clarified to say he was taking a pass on the question, not on voting in this year's election, according to WCVB. In March, Baker declined to tell the State House News Service whom he had voted for in the state's Republican primary, but he said he didn't vote for Trump. The governor had previously said he didn't vote for Trump in 2016. Baker has publicly sparred with Trump in the past. He slammed the President's "bitterness, combativeness and self-interest" in the wake of nationwide protests following the police killing of George Floyd. "I heard what the President said today about dominating and fighting. I know I should be surprised when I hear incendiary words like this from him, but I'm not," Baker told reporters in June. "At so many times during these past several weeks when the country needed compassion and leadership the most, it was simply nowhere to be found." In September, Baker urged Trump and the Senate "to allow the American people to cast their ballots for president before a new justice is nominated or confirmed" following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Days later, he slammed the notion of staying in office after losing an election after Trump would not commit to facilitating a peaceful transition of power.

“Barron Trump Tested Positive for Covid-19 Earlier This Month” by WSJ’s Rebecca Ballhaus – Barron Trump, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump’s 14-year-old son, tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month and has since recovered, the first lady said Wednesday. In a rare personal essay posted on the White House website Wednesday titled “My personal experience with Covid-19,” Mrs. Trump said she immediately had her son tested when she and the president tested positive for Covid-19 on Oct. 1. “To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn’t help but think ‘what about tomorrow or the next day?’” she wrote. “My fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive. Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms.” Mrs. Trump said her son had since tested negative. Mr. Trump told reporters later Wednesday that his son was doing “fine.” In the essay, Mrs. Trump said her own symptoms had been minimal but consisted of body aches, a cough, headaches and fatigue. She said she has since tested negative and plans to resume her work “as soon as I can.” The essay was an unusually personal disclosure for the first lady, who rarely talks about herself and speaks even less often about her son. Barron is the first lady’s only child and the youngest child of the president. Mrs. Trump tested positive on the same day as the president, on Oct. 1. While the president was hospitalized for three days following his diagnosis and received an array of therapies, including an antibody cocktail and a steroid typically used for severe cases, Mrs. Trump said she “chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food.”

Trump, Republicans slam Twitter, Facebook 'blackout' of Hunter Biden article” by Fox News’ Marisa Schultz – President Trump and Republicans blasted Facebook and Twitter for suppressing the social media circulation of a New York Post story on Hunter Biden's emails, with Trump calling for a federal clamp down on the tech giants. "So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of “Smoking Gun” emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in the [New York Post]," Trump tweeted. "It is only the beginning for them. There is nothing worse than a corrupt politician. REPEAL SECTION 230!!!" Trump was referencing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that states "no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." The section has been pivotal in the rise of today's social media giants by allowing not only Internet service providers –­ but also Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and others –­ to be shielded from liability from content posted on their platforms by third parties, in most cases. But some critics on the right feel that tech giants should no longer benefit from protections of Section 230 if they censor conservative viewpoints, including controversial postings by Trump. On Wednesday night, Twitter sent a series of tweets clarifying why the New York Post articles were in violation of its "hacked materials policy." The company's 2018 policy prohibits the distribution of content "obtained without authorization." Twitter doesn't want to incentivize hacking or circulating "possibly illegally obtained materials."

“California Republican Party says it will not comply with state's cease and desist order on ballot drop boxes” by CNN’s Sarah Moon and Paul LeBlanc – The California Republican Party said Wednesday it will not comply with the state's cease-and-desist order over unofficial ballot drop boxes placed in at least four counties, escalating a brewing political showdown ahead of the November election. The unauthorized ballot boxes, which state officials have called illegal, have been found in at least four counties across the state: Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange and Fresno. "Ballot harvesting program will continue," California Republican Party spokesman Hector Barajas said in a statement to CNN. The fight over the unofficial drop boxes comes as the coronavirus pandemic has led to historic interest in mail-in voting, even as President Donald Trump and the GOP have spent months attacking the integrity of mail ballots and fighting in court against drop boxes. Trump has repeatedly made unfounded claims that the election tally will be fraudulent because of the proliferation of mail-in voting and drop box usage and has warned that he may not agree to a peaceful transfer of power due to those misleading beliefs. The party made their intentions clear in a letter to the California Secretary of State on Wednesday. In the letter, attorneys for the state GOP say all of the ballot boxes deployed by the party are indoors, staffed by volunteers or party officials, secure and not labeled "official." While images of the ballot boxes have shown the boxes labeled as "official," the state GOP said it did not authorize the use of that term and had it removed. "The California Republican Party did not promote, or authorize the promotion of, the secure boxes as 'official mail drop boxes,'" the letter states. "When we learned that a sign using the word 'official' was used in some locations on Saturday, October, 10, 2020, we corrected that error immediately and within hours."

“Two Americans Held Hostage by Iran-Backed Forces in Yemen Freed in Trade” by WSJ’s Dion Nissenbaum – Two Americans held hostage by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen were freed on Wednesday as part of a U.S.-backed trade that returned more than 200 of the group’s loyalists to the fractured Middle East country, according to U.S. and Saudi officials. A Royal Oman Air Force plane carrying the two Americans and the remains of a third flew out of Yemen’s Houthi-controlled capital of Sana’a, hours after the jet and a companion flight brought the militants back to the country following years stuck in Oman. The deal secured freedom for Sandra Loli, an American humanitarian worker held hostage by the Houthis for 16 months, and Mikael Gidada, a U.S. businessman held for more than a year, said Kash Patel, a deputy assistant to President Trump who worked on the deal. The pact also included the return of the remains of Bilal Fateen, a third American who had been held by the Houthis. U.S. officials provided only limited information on the three Americans, but said they worked urgently to secure the deal because Ms. Loli’s health was in decline. The deal also included delivery of medical aid for Yemen. Richard Boni, Ms. Loli’s husband, said his wife, known by the nickname Sam, was working to provide clean drinking water to people in Yemen when she was abducted last year. “Today is a day we have long hoped for,” he said in a statement. “Our family is filled with immense relief and gratitude that Sam—a beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend—has been released and reunited with her family.”

“Biden once again shatters fundraising record with eyepopping $383 million haul last month” by Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser – Joe Biden shattered the monthly record for fundraising during a presidential campaign when he hauled in a massive $364.5 million in August. Fast forward a month and the Democratic presidential nominee broke his own record, with the former vice president announcing Wednesday night on Twitter that the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and their joint fundraising committees hauled in $383 million in September. “To every person who chipped in a few dollars last month — thank you. Because of your support, we raised an astounding $383 million. I'm incredibly humbled,” Biden wrote. “That’s more than I’ve ever raised in my whole life… I’m really humbled by it,” Biden added in a video in which he announced the news to one of his supporters, a special education teacher who lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon announced on Twitter that the Biden campaign and the DNC entered October with an eyepopping $432 million cash on hand. That’s down slightly from the $466 million they had in the bank at the beginning of September, as the Biden campaign continues to spend tens of millions of dollars each week to run ads on TV, radio, and digital in the key general election battleground states and on national broadcast and cable networks. Touting the campaign’s low dollar donations, Dillon said that “Our success has been driven by our grassroots supporters. $203 million came from online donors. We had 1.1 million new donors last month — bringing the total to 5.5 million donors throughout this campaign.” President Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) have yet to announce their September haul. The Trump campaign, the RNC, and their joint fundraising committees had $325 million in their coffers as of the beginning of September after raising $210 million in August.

Trump and Biden will participate in competing town halls on Thursday night after cancellation of second debate” by CNN’s Betsy Klein – President Donald Trump will participate in a town hall with NBC News on Thursday night, setting up a competing television event with Joe Biden in lieu of a presidential debate in which voters would have seen both presidential candidates engage with each other and discuss issues head-to-head. Biden is set to appear in an ABC town hall, and both events are scheduled for 8 p.m. ET. The two were originally scheduled to participate in a second debate, but the event was eventually canceled after Trump objected to the virtual format announced by the Commission on Presidential Debates in light of Trump's positive coronavirus diagnosis. "The event is set to take place outdoors and in accordance with the guidelines set forth by health officials, also consistent with all government regulations," Hoda Kotb said on NBC's "Today" show Wednesday. National Institutes of Health Clinical Director Clifford Lane said in a statement to NBC News that they have concluded, via PCR test analysis, "with a high degree of confidence" that Trump is "not shedding infectious virus."

The event will be moderated by Savannah Guthrie, who will sit 12 feet from the President. Attendees will be required to wear face masks. Trump's decision last week to back out of the second debate led to Biden and ABC swiftly announcing their plans to hold a town hall, and shortly thereafter, Trump's team entered talks with NBC about a similar event on the condition that Trump tested negative for coronavirus.

“Amy Coney Barrett Closes Out Testimony, on Track for Senate Approval” by WSJ’s Jess Bravin – Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett faced questions ranging from the constitutionality of Medicare to the extent of press freedom at her confirmation hearing Wednesday, but President Trump’s choice to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg repeatedly said it would be improper to disclose her views on matters she said she could be called upon to decide. “If I were to just say how I thought I would resolve a case…it would be short-circuiting that whole process through which I should go and have an open mind and be open to persuasion,” Judge Barrett said, under friendly questioning from Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas). In the Senate Judiciary Committee’s second of two days questioning Judge Barrett, Democratic senators pressed the judge on a range of contentious issues while again highlighting the fate of the Affordable Care Act, which comes before the court next month. They also drilled deeper into the legal arcana that defines Supreme Court doctrine, attempting to paint Judge Barrett as a threat to a swath of widely accepted rights. Wednesday was Judge Barrett’s last day in the hot seat. The hearings are expected to wrap up on Thursday, and the committee is expected to vote on her nomination on Oct. 22, with a full Senate vote on Oct. 26, just days before the Nov. 3 presidential election. Republicans, whose control of the Senate all but ensures Judge Barrett’s confirmation, focused on signaling the significance of the nomination to different audiences. To the broader public, which has seen Democrats portray the nominee as a right-wing ideologue, they stressed Judge Barrett’s promises to impartially apply the law, free of any personal agenda. Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) compiled words that she said described Judge Barrett: “Respect, intellect, character, jurisprudence, clarity, demeanor, humility, dignity, independence, exceptional,” telling the nominee: “I think that you are exactly what we should embrace.”

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump- Nobody has ever done as much for Iowa as I have done for Iowa - Not even close!!!

Donna Shalala @RepDonnaShalala -This is now the #TrumpSpread. President Trump is now moving around country, hosting rallies and spreading this disease. The thought that he is doing this as part of a political campaign is outrageous and immoral.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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