Scott backs Trump's condemnation of Erdogan's Hamas Meeting

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
August 26, 2020

Shortly after news reached the airwaves that President Erdogan of Turkey had met with leaders of Hamas, which the United States and the European Union have both designated as a terrorist organizations, Erdogan received immediate criticism from the State Department.

In a statement issued by Morgan Ortagus, the spokeswoman for the State Department, Erdogan criticized because of his “continued outreach to this terrorist organization only serves to isolate Turkey from the international community, harms the interests of the Palestinian people, and undercuts global efforts to prevent terrorist attacks launched from Gaza.”

Moreover, Ortagus warned that the United States will “continue to raise our concerns about the Turkish government’s relationship with Hamas at the highest levels.”

Now, Florida Senator Rick Scott (R), the former Governor of Florida, has taken to Twitter to voice his disapproval of the meeting, arguing that “Erdogan’s decision to once again meet with Hamas leaders, a terrorist organization that has targeted Israel and is responsible for the death of many innocent people, is dangerous to global efforts to counter terrorism.”

He asserted that “the US is right to be on alert & condemn such a meeting.”

However, Turkey's foreign ministry released a statement that contrasts that of the aforementioned feelings towards Hama. In contrast, the ministry commented that "Declaring the legitimate representative of Hamas, who came to power after winning democratic elections in Gaza and is an important reality of the region, as a terrorist will not be of any contribution to efforts for peace and stability in the region."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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