Rick Scott's Worldwide Call to Arms Against Communist China

Rick Scott's Worldwide Call to Arms Against Communist China

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
June 9, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still posing a threat around the world, lawmakers in the United States have introduced numerous legislations to hold China’s Communist government accountable for what they believe is a mishandling of the virus that now has affected the world in a deadly way. Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) is only of those lawmakers who has voiced his disapproval of the role that China’s Communist government has played in the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the sunshine state lawmaker is now calling on nations like Australia and the United Kingdom to join the United States in standing against China’s Communist government in what Scott believes is China’s mission to gain world domination.

Commenting on the concern, Scott argued that “we ought to do this together,” noting that “all democracies are going to have to say to themselves: are they going to continue to appease the Communist Party of China, which is clearly focused on world domination and has taken jobs from democracies all over the world and stolen technologies from all over the world?”

Florida Senators Scott and Marco Rubio (R) have both maintained a hardline stance when it comes to the dangers that China’s Communist government poses to democracies across the world, and Senator Scott most recently has called for Americans to boycott all Chinese goods, he urged the International Olympic Committee to withhold Beijing from hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics and he has also accused China of trying to sabotage efforts from the United States to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.

When speaking on China’s Communist government, the former Florida Governor argued that China doesn’t “believe in human rights,” adding that “they don’t believe in free trade, they don’t believe in fair trade.” Expressing that “they don’t believe in the rule of law,” he asserted that China doesn’t “want to be a caring world citizen” and that “they’re willing to take away people’s rights,” citing how he is “disgusted with how they treated Uighurs and how they treated Hong Kong citizens.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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