Rep. Ted Yoho's son says Kat Cammack was fired as Chief of Staff

Rep. Ted Yoho's son says Kat Cammack was fired as Chief of Staff

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
June 20, 2020

The contentious Republican primary race in Florida’s 3rd district to replace retiring Rep. Ted Yoho (R) continues to heat up as a video of  Zoom that could prove damaging to Kat Cammack.

Tyler Yoho, son of Rep. Yoho (both pictured with President Trump), attended a virtual fundraiser for Gavin Rollin’s congressional campaign, took the opportunity to lob a grenade at the political campaign of Kat Cammack.

When the event host asked the younger Yoho why he was supporting Rollins over his father’s former Chief of Staff, Yoho replied, “it's more about why I‘m supporting Gavin rather than why I'm not supporting Kat."

“So, it's more about why I’m supporting Gavin rather than why I'm not supporting Kat, but you know I've known Kat since the day she got to Florida,” said Yoho

Yoho continued, questioning Cammack’s integrity and saying that her alleged comprised integrity was the reason “she was fired or replaced or reassigned, or whatever the heck you want to call it.”

Yoho also stated that his father has not endorsed Cammack and that her mentioning his name did not constitute an endorsement.

Rep. Yoho told The Floridian back in December 2019 that he would not be endorsing in the race because there were quite a few good candidates running to replace him.

Kat Cammack's campaign consultant Derek Dufresne responded to the accusations, calling them "blatantly false" and took a big swipe at Rollin's campaign.

“These accusations are blatantly false and completely untrue, but quite frankly, it’s the sign of a failing campaign that is barely polling at 1%," said Dufresne.

Here is what he said:

“When she started working on my dad's campaign. I mean, everyone could tell that she was extremely ambitious, you know, but you know it's not a bad thing, but you know when your ambition starts, you know overriding your integrity. That's kind of a deal-breaker for me. That's also why one of the many reasons, you know she was fired or replaced or reassigned, or whatever the heck you want to call it from DC as chief of staff and, you know made to move back to Florida.

You know, regardless of how many times you know Kat says my dad's name, you know that's not an endorsement or anything by that. And now that doesn't make her, you know, Ted Yoho 2.0. In fact, they're basically nothing like, you know, they couldn't be more different. (Video)

Other candidates in the race are Ryan Chamberlin, Judson Sapp, Todd Chase, Bill Englebrecht, Joe Dallas Millado, James St. George, Amy Pope Wells, and David Theus. READ MORE 


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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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