Florida Keeps Winning
On Valentine's Day, President Donald Trump and his administration showed Gov. DeSantis and Florida some more love in the form of a big fat check.
Dept. of Transportation Elaine Chao was in Miami to announce that Port Miami would be receiving a check for port infrastructure.
On hand at the announcement were Gov. DeSantis, Miami-Dade Mayor and congressional candidate Carlos Gimenez, Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart and Donna Shalala, County Commissioner Esteban Bovo, and other municipal officials.
More Love...
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell was at the Miami VA Hospital delivering some much-needed Valentine's Day cards to veterans.
Not So Much Love...
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants President Trump's senior policy advisor Stephen Miller dragged into congress for more hearings. 'DWS' says Miller is a racist and must resign or be fired from his post at the White House. READ MORE
Visit The Floridian
“Rubio reflects on U.S. ally Cameroon’s war on terror, need to resist China and Russia” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – The nation of Cameroon recently held municipal and parliamentary elections for the first time in almost a decade and featured some 30 or more political parties vying for 360 municipal seats, including councils of the capital Yaounde and the economic center Douala. Almost 6 million Cameroonians were invited to visit one of 24,988 polling stations. Last December, Cameroon’s parliament voted to give local mayors more governing control—a step the government hopes will bring peace to the conflict-ridden country, and help draw attention away from the 2018 presidential election cycle. After years of delays due to threats of violence from a separatist movement in the country’s northwest and southwest, this election was an important moment in Cameroon’s democratic history, especially after that year’s election saw significant human rights violations committed by government security forces. The nation of Cameroon recently held municipal and parliamentary elections for the first time in almost a decade and featured some 30 or more political parties vying for 360 municipal seats, including councils of the capital Yaounde and the economic center Douala. Almost 6 million Cameroonians were invited to visit one of 24,988 polling stations. Last December, Cameroon’s parliament voted to give local mayors more governing control—a step the government hopes will bring peace to the conflict-ridden country, and help draw attention away from the 2018 presidential election cycle. After years of delays due to threats of violence from a separatist movement in the country’s northwest and southwest, this election was an important moment in Cameroon’s democratic history, especially after that year’s election saw significant human rights violations committed by government security forces.
“Mast, Bilirakis praise Trump’s “tactical” sanctuary city crackdown” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – In response to President Donald Trump announcing that his administration would be sending tactical law enforcement units to help aide ICE agents in sanctuary cities across the country, Democrats are calling the move “Gestapo-like” and one that will “only terrorize communities.” Some Democrats apparently believe that current ICE and Border Patrol agents are using BB guns and spitballs to enforce federal immigration laws. The Trump administration specifically stated that local and border patrol tactical units were being deployed not the U.S. Military. But according to 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, Trump has “militarized his deportation force” and as now reverted to using “armed forces against its own people.” Again, existing agents already carry firearms, so they are already an “armed” force. In response to President Donald Trump announcing that his administration would be sending tactical law enforcement units to help aide ICE agents in sanctuary cities across the country, Democrats are calling the move “Gestapo-like” and one that will “only terrorize communities.” Some Democrats apparently believe that current ICE and Border Patrol agents are using BB guns and spitballs to enforce federal immigration laws. The Trump administration specifically stated that local and border patrol tactical units were being deployed not the U.S. Military. But according to 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, Trump has “militarized his deportation force” and as now reverted to using “armed forces against its own people.” Again, existing agents already carry firearms, so they are already an “armed” force.
“Wasserman Schultz wants Trump advisor investigated for alleged racism” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – House Democrats may have lost their effort to impeach President Donald Trump earlier this year, but that is not stopping them from pursuing other ways to drag the president’s administration into the political gutter. Shortly after President Trump tweeted against the sentencing recommendations for his convicted former political consultant and confidante, Roger Stone, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for inquiries into the matter. Sen. Schumer called for an Inspector General to open an investigation into the decision made by the Department of Justice to revisit the sentencing recommendations offered by four federal prosecutors involved in the case. House Democrats may have lost their effort to impeach President Donald Trump earlier this year, but that is not stopping them from pursuing other ways to drag the president’s administration into the political gutter. Shortly after President Trump tweeted against the sentencing recommendations for his convicted former political consultant and confidante, Roger Stone, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for inquiries into the matter. Sen. Schumer called for an Inspector General to open an investigation into the decision made by the Department of Justice to revisit the sentencing recommendations offered by four federal prosecutors involved in the case.
“Klobuchar, Steyer Couldn’t Name The President of Mexico in Telemundo Interview” by The Floridian’s Mona Salama – Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and billionaire businessman Tom Steyer in an interview with Telemundo was unable to name Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the president of Mexico. “What do you know about the Mexican president?” the interviewer, Guad Venegas, asked Klobuchar in an interview. “What I will tell you is that I will visit Mexico in the first 100 days,” Klobuchar responds. “But do you know who he is?” Venegas pressed one. “I know that he is the Mexican president,” Klobuchar responded. When asked if she could “tell me his name” of the Mexican president, Klobuchar replied “no.” “No” when asked directly if she can name him. “Don’t you think it would be important, if you’re running for president, to know who the president of Mexico, the country to the south of the United States, is because it affects so many Americans?” Venegas asks. Steyer, meanwhile, simply says, “I forget” when asked if he knows the president’s name. Pete Buttigieg was the only one of the three participants to correctly name the Mexican leader, but didn’t seem too confident in his response.
“Senate Votes to Curb Trump’s War Powers Against Iran” by The Floridian’s Mona Salama – The Senate passed a bipartisan war powers resolution on Thursday aimed to limit President Trump’s ability to use military action against Iran without Congressional approval. The resolution, spearheaded by Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), passed 55-45. Eight Senate Republicans voted with all 47 Democrats for the measure that “directs the President to terminate the use of United States Armed Forces for hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran or any part of its government or military, unless explicitly authorized by a declaration of war or specific authorization for use of military force against Iran.” Kaine introduced the resolution last month hours after President Trump authorized a drone strike and killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. It would still allow the president to order strikes in cases of self-defense against an imminent attack. “With passage of this resolution, we sent a powerful message that we don’t support starting a war with Iran unless Congress votes that military action is necessary,” Kaine said in a statement after the vote. “After years of Congress avoiding its constitutional duty on matters of war, I’m grateful that a bipartisan majority of Senators affirmed that the President cannot send our troops into conflict without authorization.” The eight Republicans that voted in support of the resolution includes: Sens. Mike Lee (UT), Rand Paul (KY), Susan Collins (ME), Lamar Alexander (TN), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Bill Cassidy (LA), Jerry Moran (KS), and Todd Young (IN). “We’ve been lied to by the Pentagon for years regarding a war that has gone on for two decades,” Lee told reporters after the vote. “We don’t want additional ambiguities. We don’t want any more war.”
“Democrats are “Jealous and Paranoid,” Says Florida GOP’s Christian Ziegler” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina – President Trump’s proposed 2021 budget has received criticism from Democratic leadership, but Republicans are fighting back, arguing that it exposes the weak state that the party supposedly finds itself in. In a news call that took place today, Florida state legislators and leaders of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida slammed the President for what they feel is a “failure to address the climate crisis in Florida.” Detailing the concerns that the sunshine state faces, Florida Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D) commented that “Florida is ground zero for climate change.” She added that “from rising sea levels to seeing the impacts of natural disasters to blue-green algae, we know that Florida is at risk,” she added. The risk is “not just of environmental degradation but of economic disaster if we don’t take this crisis and these challenges seriously.” Shifting her argument to the role the President plays in this concern, Eskamani stated that “we have the potential as a state to also be a leading voice in taking on climate change, but unfortunately President Trump has made it very clear – to not just us, but the entire country and world – that he cannot be trusted when it comes to protecting our environment and taking on climate change.” However, Christian Ziegler, the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, sees it from a different perspective.
“OPINION: Parkland Dad Andrew Pollack: ‘March for Our Lives’ Made America’s Kids Less Safe” by Andrew Pollack – Two years ago today, my daughter Meadow and sixteen others were murdered in the Parkland school shooting. For the families of the victims, it was an unspeakable tragedy. But for others, it was an incredible political opportunity. The shooting propelled a handful of shrill student activists to fame. The most prominent one, David Hogg, later mused, “We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived. Is that what I was destined to become?” No, David. My daughter wasn’t murdered so that you could fulfill your “destiny” of tweeting about historically marginalized “indigenous lgbtq women and non binary” gun control activists. She was murdered because of the failures of the Broward County school district, sheriff’s office, and mental health services. Failures that partisan agitprop, spewed by you and the other March For Our Lives (MFOL) activists, helped to shield from the public eye. Although I disagreed with the gun control kids politically, I made it a rule not to criticize them publicly. Because I figured that despite our differences, we all wanted the same thing: safe schools. But the last straw came last month, when MFOL teamed up with the Southern Poverty Law Center to sue the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, which had investigated everything that went wrong and proposed concrete solutions. They sued because a meeting adjourned before one of the gun control kids could speak, presumably to denounce the commission for proposing solutions other than gun control. My first reaction when I heard that was to be surprised that any of the gun control kids even showed up. The Commission had been meeting for a year-and-a-half, and I never saw MFOL take an interest in why their peers got murdered.
“Trump Expected to Raise $10 Million During Florida Stop” by NBC Miami’s Kevin Freking – President Donald Trump mixed reelection business with pleasure during a weekend stop at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, attending a fundraiser on Saturday evening expected to raise $10 million for his campaign and the Republican National Committee. The event was believed to be his most expensive fundraiser ever, with invitations going to donors who gave $580,600 per couple, according to The Washington Post, which obtained an invitation to the event at the Palm Beach estate of billionaire investor Nelson Peltz. Pro-Trump groups have been shattering fundraising records on the path toward a goal of raising $1 billion this election cycle. Advocacy groups that have sought campaign finance reform said the Supreme Court paved the way for such fundraising hauls by striking down in 2014 the limit on the total amount of money an individual could give to all political party committees in a two-year election cycle. “The ability of Trump to raise these astronomical amounts of influence money from billionaires and multimillionaires is a direct result of the Supreme Court’s utter failure to understand the nation’s campaign finance laws or the implications of its decision,” said Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in an op-ed published in Medium. In that 5-4 decision the Supreme Court found that limits on the total amount of money donors can give to all candidates, committees and political parties were unconstitutional. Sen. Bernie Sanders has criticized some of his fellow Democratic presidential candidates for accepting campaign donations from the extremely wealthy, questioning whether those who accept the donations would stand up to those who provide them if the situation called for it.
“Feds: Florida doctor stole $26M to fund political ambition” by Associated Press – A Florida vascular surgeon bilked the government and health insurers of more than $26 million to possibly finance his political ambitions in his native country of Ghana, federal authorities said. Earlier this month, a federal grand jury unsealed a 58-count indictment alleging that Dr. Moses deGraft-Johnson falsely billed insurers, including Medicare and Medicaid, for work he did not actually perform. Investigators within the federal Department of Health and Human Services said that deGraft-Johnson claimed to have performed over a five-year period more than 3,600 atherectomies, a minimally invasive procedure that clears potentially dangerous buildup in arteries. Authorities said the doctor’s practice in Tallahassee, Florida, also filed claims for angioplasties that were never performed. In court documents filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida, prosecutors argued to keep the doctor in custody, asserting that he was a flight risk because his “ultimate long-term professional goal” was to one day become the president of Ghana. U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles A. Stampelos agreed and ordered deGraft-Johnson held until trial, set for March 23. The government said it was “not in a position to evaluate the feasibility of such an endeavor” but saw evidence that he had “been hard at work using the proceeds of fraud in the United States to establish an empire in a foreign country.” Investigators said they looked into the doctor’s bank accounts and discovered at least $1.8 million in international wire transfers to entities and associates in Ghana, a country of 29 million people situated along the western coast of Africa.
“E-Verify emerges as tough test for DeSantis” by Herald Tribune’s John Kennedy – Ron DeSantis is facing his toughest test as governor from fellow Republicans on an issue that should be an easy sell with GOP voters — cracking down on illegal immigration. But DeSantis’ push to force all Florida businesses to use the federal E-Verify database to determine the legal status of new hires is on shaky ground as the Legislature enters its closing weeks in this presidential election year. Florida’s biggest businesses — including the agriculture, tourism and construction industries — oppose E-Verify, decrying it as an added regulation but fearing it as a potential threat to their workforce, which often includes undocumented workers. Critics say the focus should be on the federal government and its failure to craft workable immigration standards. But supporters of E-Verify say it’s time for Florida businesses to do their part. “It’s a mystery why this is so hard for people to support,” said Amapola Hansberger, who leads an organization, Legal Immigrants For America, based in Winter Springs. “E-Verify will help assure that jobs in this state are going to people who are legally here. Why do we want to keep making our workers compete with people not legal to work here?” said Hansberger, a native of Nicaragua who has been in the U.S. more than 50 years. With Donald Trump vilifying illegal immigration in his re-election campaign, DeSantis appears eager to bolster the president in the nation’s biggest battleground state.
“Michael Bloomberg opens campaign offices in Wilton Manors, West Palm Beach” by Sun Sentinel’s Ben Crandell – With a little more than four weeks to go until the state’s March 17 Democratic primary, presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg on Saturday opened seven more campaign field offices in Florida, including Wilton Manors and West Palm Beach.
On Twitter, Scott Kosanovich, the Bloomberg campaign’s state director for Florida, acknowledged the opening in Wilton Manors with a video estimating more than 200 people were in attendance. A campaign post about the West Palm Beach office included a picture of a “packed house.” The two South Florida locations were joined by new offices in Gainesville, Sanford, Sarasota, Tallahassee and Tampa, bringing Bloomberg’s total number of offices in the state to 10. The former New York mayor previously opened offices in St. Petersburg, Orlando and in Miami’s Little Havana. Bloomberg campaign officials say the opening of 10 additional Florida offices is imminent, as well as a statewide campaign headquarters in Tampa.
“Florida’s domestic violence coalition abused the public’s trust | Editorial” by Sun Sentinel’s Editorial Board – It’s a crime what passed for business as usual at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence. For too long this renegade operation arrogantly misspent millions of dollars of public money, even as shelters across the state struggled to provide safe haven to abused women and children. And it’s a crime that elected leaders took so long to do something about this free-spending outfit, the funnel through which all state money flows to local domestic violence shelters. Where was the oversight? Where was the accountability? Certainly not from the organization’s board of directors, which in 2018 awarded the coalition’s former CEO, Tiffany Carr, an annual salary of $761,560. It gets worse. Over the past three years, Carr’s compensation totaled more than $7.5 million from state and federal funds, the Miami Herald reported, including nearly $5 million for “paid time off.” Carr’s sweetheart deal entitled her to take 210 paid days off one year. When ever did she work? Carr clearly was good at working her board. A June 2019 memo obtained by the Herald shows Carr’s last contract included “an additional 360 pto [paid time off] days to [be] deposited into her account prior to June 30th.”
Plus, she could work from North Carolina any time she wanted. Plus, she would get a $200,000 bonus for “exemplary performance.” Plus, she would get a 10% increase in her car allowance, a 10% increase in her salary and an “executive retreat at the place of her choosing.” Making that much money, you’d think Carr could have paid for her own “executive retreat,” which sounds a lot like a “luxury vacation.” Carr received these oversized contracts even as shelters across Florida struggled to raise money to help abused women and children. Last year, Orlando-area shelters ran out of space for people trying to escape their abusers.
“Bill de Blasio Endorses Bernie Sanders” by New York Times’ Jeffery C. Mays and Maggie Astor – Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, whose brief presidential campaign failed to get off the ground last year, endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for the Democratic nomination on Friday. In a statement released by the Sanders campaign, Mr. de Blasio said he was supporting Mr. Sanders because he “stands with working families” and was the right candidate to take on President Trump. “I have called for a bold, progressive agenda, and that’s exactly what Senator Sanders has championed for decades,” Mr. de Blasio said. His choice is a reversal from four years ago, when he endorsed Hillary Clinton over Mr. Sanders, but it is not entirely unexpected. He said last summer that in retrospect, he believed Mr. Sanders would have won the 2016 election if nominated. It is also notable that Mr. de Blasio chose to make the endorsement only now, after Mr. Sanders’s victory in New Hampshire and strong performance in Iowa have made him a clear front-runner for the nomination. Mr. de Blasio was expected to travel with Mr. Sanders on Sunday and Monday in Nevada, where they will appear together at canvassing events ahead of the caucuses there on Feb. 22. Mr. de Blasio and Mr. Sanders have spoken several times since the mayor ended his presidential campaign in September. The mayor also spent time at Mr. Sanders’s vacation home in Vermont in 2018. And Mr. Sanders swore Mr. de Blasio in at the inauguration for his second term as mayor.
“Biden Calls on Sanders to Show Accountability for ‘Outrageous’ Online Threats by Followers” by New York Times’ Thomas Kaplan, Rebecca R. Ruiz and Trip Gabriel – Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. took aim at Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Saturday, calling on him to condemn the “vicious, malicious, misogynistic” rhetoric of some Sanders supporters and to do more to stamp it out. The remarks came at a key time for both campaigns, as Mr. Biden tries to regain his footing after weak showings in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary — in which Mr. Sanders surged toward the front of the Democratic pack — and a week before next Saturday’s Nevada caucuses. The zeal of Mr. Sanders’s online base has been both a source of strength and perpetual aggravation for his campaign, which has delicately balanced condemning bullying without diluting the force of his most fervent followers. Mr. Biden’s comments on Saturday specifically seized on attacks that Sanders supporters had made against officials at the powerful Culinary Workers Union, Local 226, after that union had criticized Mr. Sanders’s health care plan. “If any of my supporters did that, I’d disown them,” Mr. Biden said as part of an interview with “Meet the Press,” which will air Sunday on NBC. “To say ‘I disassociate’ is one thing. Find out who the hell they are, if any of them work for me. Fire them. Find out. See what’s going on.” Asked about Mr. Biden’s comments, a spokesman for Mr. Sanders, Mike Casca, said that Mr. Sanders “continues to be unequivocal on the issue,” pointing to remarks the senator had made earlier in the week. “Anybody making personal attacks against anybody else in my name is not part of our movement,” Mr. Sanders had said. “And I’m not so sure, to be honest with you, that they are necessarily part of our movement. You understand, you know, the nature of the internet.”
“Democrats Weigh Whether to Pursue New Investigations as Election Looms” by WSJ’s Andrew Duehren – House Democrats are grappling with whether to pursue further investigations of President Trump following his acquittal in the Senate, facing both an election in nine months and fresh White House actions that they say demand scrutiny. Democrats want to look into whether the president improperly influenced the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for a Trump confidant, casting Mr. Trump as emboldened by the end of the impeachment process. At the same time, party leaders are eager to focus on pocketbook issues for voters, such as health care, and Democrats are wary of launching another drawn-out fight with the White House that could backfire in November. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) staked out a middle ground Thursday. She said the House should investigate any role Mr. Trump played in federal prosecutors’ decision to reduce the initial sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, who was convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering. Mrs. Pelosi called such alleged meddling an “abuse of power,” echoing the charge in the first of the two impeachment articles. But Mrs. Pelosi also said House Democrats aren’t going to “spend all of our time going after every lie that the administration henchmen make,” and emphasized that one priority is working with the administration on lowering prescription-drug costs. She signaled no new probes, instead pointing to testimony by Attorney General William Barr scheduled for March and a request made by Senate Democrats for an investigation by the Justice Department inspector general. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Democrats were trying to “manufacture more ‘investigations.’” She said: “At some point you’d think they would take a page out of the president’s book and devote themselves to working for the country, but I guess not.”
“Former Justice Department Employees Sign Letter Urging Barr to Resign” by WSJ’s Andrew Duehren and Sadie Gurman – More than 1,100 former Justice Department employees are calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign, signing an open letter that criticizes Mr. Barr’s decision to reduce prosecutors’ initial sentencing recommendation for a confidant of President Trump. The letter, organized by former Justice Department employees and the advocacy group Protect Democracy, which was formed in 2017 and has been critical of the Trump administration, describes Mr. Barr’s intervention in the case as outrageous and says it raises questions about the department’s independence and the fair administration of justice. “A person should not be given special treatment in a criminal prosecution because they are a close political ally of the president,” reads the letter, which also says former officials in both Republican and Democratic administrations signed on to the text. A spokesperson for the Justice Department declined to comment. An administration official, Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said on Sunday on CNN: “Barr is being independent. He did come into this decision on his own. It was not something he was influenced by, by the president.” The letter comes after a tumultuous week at the Justice Department, beginning with Mr. Barr’s decision to revise the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone after Mr. Trump had publicly criticized the seven- to nine-year term prosecutors had sought. The reversal prompted four federal prosecutors to withdraw from the case against Mr. Stone, a former Trump aide convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering.
“AOC calls for ‘turnout machine’ as 12 Dem rivals eye her House seat” by Fox News’ Dom Calicchio – Despite her massive national media presence, it appears U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., isn’t taking reelection for granted. At a Saturday kickoff event in her bid for a second term, the far-left freshman congresswoman told supporters she wanted to see voter turnout in New York’s 14th Congressional District increase by “four times” over her previous run in 2018. No fewer than 12 Democrats have filed in the district to run against Ocasio-Cortez in the primary election on June 23, according to radio station WINS of New York City. In addition, at least three Republicans will vie for a chance to ultimately win the seat. “Last election cycle, in the primary as we know, the turnout was quite low,” she told a small crowd in Corona, Queens. “This year, we want to multiply turnout by four times. That’s our goal. We want to secure 60,000 votes in the primary election. We need to start creating a turnout machine right now.” “Last election cycle, in the primary as we know, the turnout was quite low,” she told a small crowd in Corona, Queens. “This year, we want to multiply turnout by four times. That’s our goal. We want to secure 60,000 votes in the primary election. We need to start creating a turnout machine right now.”
“Klobuchar again voices concern about potentially having Sanders at top of Democratic ticket” by CNN’s Devan Cole – Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Sunday doubled down on her position that Sen. Bernie Sanders, her self-described Democratic socialist rival, would hurt the party if he becomes the nominee. "I am not a pundit, but what I do know (is this), I am the only one on the debate stage when asked, 'Do you have a problem with a socialist leading the Democratic ticket?' ... (that said) 'Yes.' And that is despite the fact that Bernie and I are friends, we came in together," the Minnesota senator told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union." "Here in Nevada, as you were just talking about earlier in the show, we don't want to kick 149 million Americans off their current health insurance in four years, which is what Bernie's bill would do," she added. "People are much more pragmatic. They want plans and not pipe dreams. I am the candidate that brings that and I think that's why we are surging across the country." The comments from Klobuchar come as she continues to ramp up her attacks on her rivals following a much stronger than expected third-place finish in the New Hampshire primary last week and a strong debate performance earlier this month.
Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff - Barr admits he intervened in the sentencing of a man who lied to Congress to cover up for the President. He’s only upset that Trump’s tweets made the political nature of his intervention obvious. Barr fools no one. He’s a witting accomplice to Trump’s attack on the rule of law.
Rick Scott @SenRickScott - Communist China has proven that it cannot be trusted, which is why I asked the @WHO to do their own in-depth analysis on the extent of the spread of #Coronavirus.
We need to get an up-to-date picture of the threat we face.
Marco Rubio @marcorubio - The legitimate Interim President of @jguaido is back in #Venezuela after a successful international trip in which the U.S. and international community made clear they will never accept the illegitimate #MaduroRegime
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP -It's shameful and dangerous that all it took for AG Barr to undermine the rule of law was a tweet. Barr owes the American people an explanation. The president's attempt to subvert our justice system must be checked by the DOJ Inspector General.
Rep. Ted Deutch @RepTedDeutch - Florida received a C- from @GiffordsCourage’s 2019 Gun Law report & ranked 28th for gun-related deaths.
FL officials have a responsibility to prevent gun violence & keep our cities safe.
Rep. Lois Frankel @RepLoisFrankel - Port Everglades must modernize & expand, or new ships will pass us by - taking with them thousands of new jobs & millions of dollars from the South Florida economy.
I'm excited to see this critical port deepening project officially begin!
Rep. Brian Mast @RepBrianMast - This funding will go a long way toward helping us get critical water infrastructure projects like the EAA Southern Storage Reservoir built ahead of schedule!
Chip LaMarca @ChipLaMarca- Thank you for clarifying that bills like ours in the @FLHouseofReps
(HB 7051) are not “pay to play” and will only benefit those intercollegiate athletes who seek to enter the free market with ingenuity and creativity outside of their team play.
Shevrin Jones @ShevrinJones- Just before you think about giving up, remember there's always someone depending and looking up to you, praying that you make it. #GM
Rep. Amy Mercado @AmyMercado -Presented House Bill 1259 Restrictive Housing for Incarcerated Pregnant Women by @ShevrinJones and Mercado, it passed unanimously.
Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL) has written a letter demanding expedited housing repairs for servicemembers living…
Tesla founder and tech billionaire Elon Musk is blaming excessive regulation for enabling the ongoing…
Lawfare Doesn't Only Target American Officials, but. Israeli ones Representatives Brian Mast (R-FL) and Chip…
Florida Rep. Cory Mills (R) will chair the Subcommittee on Oversight and Intelligence.
Representatives Brian Mast (R-FL) and Chip Roy (R-TX) have introduced the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, a bill…
City of Coral Gables manager Amos Rojas appears to be on the verge of resigning.…