Rubio reminds Democrats Mueller Report outs Putin

Rubio reminds Democrats Mueller Report outs Putin

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
April 20, 2019

After the much-anticipated Mueller Report found that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and his campaign team did not collude with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government.

Congressional Democrats, who bet the house on the findings of the report, now find themselves scrambling to deal with the fact that collusion between Trump and the Russians did not occur.

Democrats refuse to accept the report’s findings and are now solely focused on continuing the investigation into the president.

This after  law enforcement and the Justice Department already concluded their investigations and submitted their findings.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D) said that he “issued a subpoena to the Department of Justice for the full the Mueller report and the underlying materials,” in hopes to “get to the bottom” of the Mueller report.

 “We will have major hearing. Barr and Mueller are just the first. We will call many other people, we’ll see who they are. And we will get to the bottom of this and we will educate the country as to what went on,” said Nadler.

But with Republicans claiming victory and Democrats crying foul and appear hell-bent on destroying and impeaching Trump, both sides seem to be blind to what the Mueller report really found.


Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), who praised Attorney General Bill Barr for his “transparency,” pointed out that the Mueller report didn’t find proof of “coordination with the president’s campaign.

In addition, Rubio said that the report “accurately and comprehensively laid out the details” of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s effort to subvert the American electoral system by trying to influence the 2016 election.

“That Putin attempted to interfere in our elections should no longer be doubted by anyone, and the fact that those efforts were not in coordination with our president should elicit a sense of relief from all,” said Rubio.

Rubio then went on to call elements of the Democratic Party as “fringe voices,” including some of his colleagues in the U.S. Congress, who he says in denial of what Putin did, and upset that Trump did not take part in “Putin’s efforts.”

“Sadly, there remain fringe voices that continue to deny what Putin did, and sadly, instead of relief, too many of my colleagues appear disappointed that the president was not a part of Putin’s efforts. 

“Putin’s efforts to sow political discord in our country did not end in 2016 and he will attempt to interfere in future elections, which is why I will continue to focus on bipartisan efforts such as the DETER Act that aim to protect the integrity of our elections and democracy from future foreign interference and influence campaigns.”- Sen. Marco Rubio


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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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