It’s well publicized that President Donald Trump and Senator John McCain did not see eye-to-eye, and matters escalated recently when the President released political blows to the former Senator and veteran.
Many took issue with this because Senator John McCain passed away at the end of last year, and many lawmakers came to the Senator’s defense, slamming President Trump and calling his remarks unnecessary.
Now, Roger Stone, political advisor and Trump confidant, is embroiled in his own feud. Over the years, he’s traded political blows with many politicians, but this time the person he’s directing his comments to is none other than former First Lady Barbabra Bush, who passed away in April 2018.
Taking to Instagram to comment on newly pushed diaries from the First Lady, Stone slammed the publication, saying that “in her recently published diaries Barbara Bush claims that when she heard that I had been ‘hired’ by her husband’s 1988 campaign for President she called her husband and had me ‘fired.’”
Stone argues that this is a lie, explaining that “the problem with this lie is that I did not work on her husband’s 1988 campaign and never wanted to.”
Stone clarifies that “I did, at Jim Baker’s request go to California for the last two weeks of the race to troubleshoot the state campaign there eventually helping Bush triumph over Dukakis by 1%.”
He then explains that “after the election I received a nice hand-written note from George H.W. Bush thanking me for my last minute assistance.”
Stone then goes on to slam the former First Lady, saying that she “was a mean spirited, self important, nasty and entitled woman bitter over her husband’s long term and quiet public affair with the frowzy Jennifer Fitzgerald.”
He then concluded the post by asserting that he now understood “why Nancy Reagan hated her so much.”
It’s no surprise that Stone is no fan of the Bush family, having written a book called “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family” in 2016 with Saint John Hunt.
However, these comments directed to Bush are sure to get a response from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who lauded the former First Lady as an important and well-respected person in American history.