Democratic Candidates React to Jacksonville Shooting

Democratic Candidates React to Jacksonville Shooting

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
August 27, 2018

Over the weekend, Jacksonville faced a shooting at a video game competition. Three people including the shooter were killed, and 11 people were injured.

In response to the crime, Democratic candidates for Florida Governor released statements.

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum commented that "This gun violence epidemic must stop, and we simply cannot let this become the new normal. Too many lives are being snuffed out far too soon in everyday places like our high school football games, movie theaters, shopping malls, and public schools. As long as we let this absurd status quo continue, in which the gun lobby controls our elected officials, this bloodshed will continue. I will lift the victims' families up in prayer tonight, and as our next Governor, I will do everything in my power to finally pass the common sense gun safety laws we so badly need in the Sunshine State."

In addition, former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine commented that "I am horrified and I am furious. The shootings are too many to count—in our schools, neighborhoods and nightclubs. Our thoughts are with the victims, but we should all be outraged. Too many lives are destroyed, while leaders take no action. It's time for new leaders."

Also, Gwen Graham, Chris King and Jeff Greene took to twitter to share their thoughts:

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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