The upcoming midterm elections in November will be closely watched because this will rely heavily on the nation's approval of the work President Donald Trump has done in office. Therefore, Democrats are looking to flip the Senate. One seat that they have their eye on is outgoing Senator Jeff Flake's seat in Arizona, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio is taking to the campaign trail and praising Martha McSally as the candidate that should replace Senator Flake.
In an email sent to supporters, Senator Rubio explains that "In the halls of the Capitol, the Democrats are talking. They are confident if they win the Arizona Senate seat in November, they will also win back the Senate majority." He added that "handing over a majority to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would be one of the worst possible scenarios for the future of our country."
Rubio detailed that "Martha is a no-nonsense, tell-you-like-it-is patriot who served in the U.S. Air Force for 26 years. She was the first American woman to fly in combat and went on to make history again as the first U.S. female Squadron commander." In addition, he noted that "Martha is a force to be reckoned with in Washington."
To continue, "Martha made an oath as a military officer — to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic — and she has followed through on that oath in the U.S. House where she's continued her service to our nation for the last 4 years. Martha's made it clear she's not in Washington to make friends with the D.C elite...She's in Washington to get things done for the people she represents. Martha McSally is a workaholic and a leader which is exactly why the Left is pouring all its resources into crushing her campaign. As only a sophomore member, Martha has authored 18 bills and had 2 signed into law — including significant immigration and border security measures. DC Democrats know if they can defeat Martha, they can stop the conservative momentum we've been building in its tracks. We can't afford to let that happen."
On his own turf, Senator Rubio has vowed not to campaign against his colleague Senator Bill Nelson, but he will support the Republican nominee that is expected to be Governor Rick Scott.