Maduro Warned Against Arrest of Opposition Leaders by Florida Legislators

Maduro Warned Against Arrest of Opposition Leaders by Florida Legislators

Mateo Guillamont
September 3, 2024
Venezuelan Dictator Nicolas Maduro recently issued arrest warrants for opposition party leader Edmundo Gonzalez by way of his infamous Attorney General, Tareek William Saab.  Gonzalez has refused to accept Dictator Maduro’s recent claims of electoral victory in Venezuela’s latest presidential elections.  Maduro, despite facing international pressure to submit to overwhelming evidence of his sound defeat […]
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State Department Promotions Could Face Increased Scrutiny Thanks to Rubio Bill

State Department Promotions Could Face Increased Scrutiny Thanks to Rubio Bill

Mateo Guillamont
March 22, 2024
A new bill introduced by US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) would alter the promotion process for members of the US Department of State.  The Mandatory Review of Performance Improvement Plans at State Act would require the State Department review any Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) issued to individuals being considered for promotion.  The State Department issues […]
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Mills' Embassy Construction Integrity Act Clears House, Heads to Senate

Mills' Embassy Construction Integrity Act Clears House, Heads to Senate

Mateo Guillamont
March 21, 2024
US Representative Cory Mills’ (R-FL) Embassy Construction Integrity Act was recently approved by the House of Representatives.  The legislation would prohibit the US from leasing or purchasing properties owned by Chinese firms when such property is to be subsequently used for consular or diplomatic purposes.  Additionally, the act prevents the US from contracting Chinese companies […]
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McCormick ‘Welcomes’ Haitian Prime Minister Resignation

McCormick ‘Welcomes’ Haitian Prime Minister Resignation

Mateo Guillamont
March 15, 2024
 US representative Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL)  welcomed Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s resignation announcement. The announcement comes amid rampant gang violence across the island.  Representative McCormick stated Haitians had been waiting for the Prime Minister to make the announcement and welcomed it. McCormick is the cochair of the Congress Haiti caucus and still has family members […]
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Lawmakers Condemn 'Sham' Election in Belarus

Lawmakers Condemn 'Sham' Election in Belarus

Mateo Guillamont
February 26, 2024
US lawmakers have criticized Belarus’ recently held ‘elections’ claiming they were merely a publicity stunt for regime leader Aleksandr Lukashenko. The US Department of State defined the elections as a “sham,” adding that they were “held in a climate of fear under which no electoral processes could be called democratic.” Belarus has been led by […]
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