
GOP pulls away from Democrats in 2020 fundraising

President Trump and National Republicans are all about going big during the 2020 presidential election cycle.

5 years ago

Elizabeth Warren, Sanders crush Biden in Q3 fundraising

Wit the Ukrainian government announced that it would be reviewing vice president Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s old energy corporation Burisma,…

5 years ago

Fabricio calls for Rep. Cindy Polo to resign over "bigoted" remark

After refusing to apologize for making an insulting and ethnically-charged comment about Cuban-Americans on social media, controversial Florida state Rep.…

5 years ago

Trump, RNC crush Democrats in fundraising, but not in the House

President Donald Trump and the RNC have landed another devastating fundraising blow t0 the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

5 years ago

OPINION: Florida state Rep. Cindy Polo's "hateful & divisive" ideology

This past weekend, liberal Democratic state Representative Cindy Polo, who I can only assume may have drank too much aguardiente…

5 years ago

Charlie Crist calls for impeachment, Trump responds

Florida Congressman Charlie Crist (D) has announced he is now on board with Democratic calls to impeach President Donald Trump…

5 years ago

Gillum still targeting DeSantis with Jim Crow attacks

According to Florida Democrats like Andrew Gillum, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Republican state legislators are trying to dismantle the…

5 years ago

Florida's entire congressional caucus united on Hurricane Dorian

It took a force of nature to get Florida’s entire congressional delegation to come together on an issue they have…

5 years ago

Progressive Democrats really do hate Matt Gaetz

Liberal congressional Democrats loathe President Donald Trump and would give one of their eyes to see him impeached. But the…

5 years ago

GOP activists want Gruters removed over online tax bill proposal

Florida Senator Joe Gruters (R) is facing significant Republican backlash over his proposal to mandate online companies to charge a…

5 years ago

Three Florida Republicans named to GOP Young Guns program

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has just put out its first group of congressional candidates they deemed to be…

5 years ago

Florida's Daily Political Read - 8.6.19- Trump, Rubio Want New Gun Laws - Biden Still Up

The field of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have taken themselves off message, and have veer not just far to the…

5 years ago

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Sues Google

"Google’s arbitrary and capricious treatment of Gabbard’s campaign should raise concerns for policymakers everywhere."

5 years ago

Judge weighs Democrat's challenge to ballot positions

In a state where razor-thin election margins have become the norm in major races, Democrats are seeking to make inroads…

5 years ago

FL Democrats Threaten Everglades Restoration Funding

"It would trigger automatic cuts to Everglades restoration and environmental protection programs.”

5 years ago

Rooney votes against funding Planned Parenthood

According to Florida Congressman Francis Rooney (R), Democrats inserted language into the bill that “explicitly prohibit any funding for securing…

5 years ago

President Trump to launch re-election in Orlando, but will tariff policies hurt his chances here in 2020?

On Tuesday, June 18, Orlando’s Amway Center will host the official kickoff of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign with an event featuring First…

5 years ago

Rubio says House will pass disaster relief bill next week

Senator Marco Rubio (R) addressed the Democratic assertion that Republicans were to blame, reaffirming that it was the three House…

5 years ago