Gavin Newsom

DeSantis Relocating Immigrants to Delaware?

New reports indicated that Governor DeSantis will be directing a plane of undocumented immigrants to Delaware.

2 years ago

Donalds Encourages DeSantis to Debate Newsom

The long-running feud between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has just become a little…

2 years ago

Texas Authorities Open Criminal Investigation into DeSantis

Authorities in Texas are now opening an investigation into Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) decision to send two planes filled…

2 years ago

Cammack Claims Gov. Newsom is "Jealous" of DeSantis While Discussing Border Crisis

Governor Ron DeSantis's decision to send 50 illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard last week continues to stir up emotions. Monday…

2 years ago

DeSantis Criticizes Newsom's 'Brain Function'

DeSantis said that Newsom’s “hair gel is interfering with his brain function.”

2 years ago

Nunez Calls Newsom's California "Dumpster Fire State"

Back in July, The Floridian detailed attempts by California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to attack Florida's own Governor Ron DeSantis…

2 years ago

Bloomberg Says Florida Faces 'Republican Censorship'

Bloomberg, who's invested in the upcoming midterm election, criticized DeSantis, accusing him of ushering in a "woke" effort of "Republican…

2 years ago

DeSantis Calls Florida 'a Law-and-Order State'

Governor DeSantis affirmed that what distinguishes Florida from the rest of the country is that Florida's 'a law-and-order state."

2 years ago

Crist Unveils ‘Freedom to Learn’ Education Plan

Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) has released his education plan, affirming that he will make Florida a place where there’s…

2 years ago

Casey DeSantis Counters Gavin Newsom's Attack Ads

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) has made headlines for running controversial attack ads in Florida, targeting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis…

2 years ago

DeSantis: California is a 'Woke Tyranny'

DeSantis declared that Florida has answered the call to be the "freest" state in the country while trying to be…

2 years ago

DeSantis Skewers Progressive Newsom Over his 'Terrible Governance' [VIDEO]

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has responded to California Gov. Gavin Newsom's attack ad where the Progressive said, "Freedom is under…

2 years ago

Rubio: Demings ‘a Rubber Stamp for Liberal Agenda’

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) chided Florida Rep. Val Demings (D), calling her “a rubber stamp for liberal agenda.”

2 years ago

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Launches Attack Ad on Florida, Byron Donalds Responds

After more poor economic numbers came out from the Biden administration, and a Florida attack ad launched by Gov. Gavin…

2 years ago

DeSantis: 'the Free State of Florida is Thriving'

In a message to supporters, Governor DeSantis recounts his time in office, arguing that “the free state of Florida is…

2 years ago

Wasserman Schultz: DeSantis Hasn't Made Vaccines Accessible to Minorities

One critic has been Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) who directed verbal jabs over Twitter, asking for Governor DeSantis…

3 years ago

Scott Slams Cuomo's 'Shameful Misuse' of COVID Funds

the Florida lawmaker is criticizing Governor Cuomo’s decision to direct. $15,000 to undocumented workers, calling it “a shameful misuse of…

3 years ago

DeSantis Beats Trump in GOP Favorability, Potential 2024 Presidential Run

While the tag "DeathSantis" trends on Twitter, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), has done nothing but boost his electability in 2022,…

3 years ago