florida poliitcs

JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 10.7.2021 — Illegal Alien Border Crisis With Canada?—FL Skips Federal EDU Cash—More...

  The Northern Border Crisis JUICE—What is that old stand-by for Democrats, "Never let a crisis go to waste?" Apparently,…

3 years ago

JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 9.24.2021 — Dr. Crist is in?—Rubio, Pushaw, Suarez, Smith—More...

  The Doctor is in? JUICE—Rep. Charlie Crist (D) has been many things and held many titles during his career in politics—Florida…

3 years ago

Rubio Pushes Anti-Terrorism Firearms Measure

Today, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced the "Terror Intelligence Improvement Act,"   a bill that would make it even harder…

4 years ago

Trump Calls for 'Stupid' Georgia Gov. Kemp to Resign

As Republican control of the Senate hangs on the balance of the upcoming Georgia runoff election, President Donald Trump (R)…

4 years ago