florida elections
Five days out from Election Day, over 700,000 more Republicans than Democrats have cast ballots in a show of force signifying the conservatives' massive voter registration lead. As of 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 2,787,359 Republicans statewide had voted compared to 2,060,088 Democrats. This number combines both the vote-by-mail category and early voting, which began Oct. 21 […]
President Joe Biden and the Democratic leadership believe America is on the brink of collapse. Not because of the economy. Not because of worker shortages. Not because of outsourcing to China. No, with Democrats in control of both Congress and the White House, they believe our republic is one step away from becoming a right-wing authoritarian regime.
Republicans don’t want to hear it, but there is a real chance that President Donald Trump loses re-election next month.
The Republican governor announced he is redistributing $2.3 million in election-security money that went unspent by county elections supervisors last year. The funds are in addition to $2.8 million for elections cybersecurity Florida lawmakers earmarked in the state budget for the upcoming fiscal year beginning July 1.