Donna Shalala

Republican Leadership Praises Newest FL "Young Guns"

The Young Guns program was designed to mentor and support candidates in races across the United States to ensure they’re…

4 years ago

Shalala Supports Investigating Rivera's Ties to Venezuela

“Recent press reports and a lawsuit suggest that former Congressman David M. Rivera (R-FL-25) worked on behalf of a foreign…

4 years ago

Shalala: "Even the bubble of the White House can’t keep this disease out"

Over the weekend, Rep. Donna Shalala (D) appeared on CNN where she talked about the two close aides to President…

4 years ago

House Democrats urge DeSantis to prioritize safety during re-opening

"The reopening plan for our state needs to include a robust strategy for testing, contact tracing, and supported isolation to…

4 years ago

House Democrat Shalala wants gun owners to disarm at home

As gun sales spike across the nation, Congressional Democrats are still questioning the Trump administration’s decision to list gun stores…

4 years ago

Republican Salazar questions Shalala's financial disclosure "mistake"

 “It was my mistake and I take full responsibility,” she told Defede.

4 years ago

Florida Democrats celebrate the ACA, push to make it "more affordable"

House Democrats are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and outlining how 1000's of Americans have benefitted…

4 years ago

Shalala Slams Sanders as "Unacceptable" Candidate

“He’s just unacceptable to people in South Florida and people across our state.”

4 years ago

Scalise Endorses Maria Elvira Salazar for Congress

"We will work together to ensure that America will never be a socialist country!”

4 years ago

House Democrats Slam Trump Ahead of SOTU Address

“Trump’s actions are a threat to health care in Florida.”

4 years ago

Maria Elvira Salazar raises $700K, keeps pace with Shalala

The match is set for Florida’s 27th congressional district. With Florida Rep. Donna Shalala (D) having one-term as an example…

4 years ago

Pro-Life group endorses Republicans Irina Vilarino and Maria Elvira Salazar

The pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List has jumped in the 2020 presidential election with both feet, and early.

4 years ago

Shalala questions Trump's loyalty to "friends and allies" in Venezuela

House Democrat Rep. Donna Shalala is upset at the Trump administration’s handling of a Venezuelan Army Major’s treatment after his…

4 years ago

Shalala wrongfully blames Trump for Obama-created "fake" university

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency set up a “fake” online university in the Detroit area to coral…

4 years ago

Shalala Orders Trump to "Grow Up"

Yesterday, President Donald Trump took a trip to South Florida to host a rally as Democrats mount their support for…

4 years ago

Vulnerable House Democrats in Florida criticized for focusing on impeachment

This week congressional lawmakers will vote on a resolution to formalize the next steps of the impeachment inquiry into President…

5 years ago

House Democrats demand full funding to defend Venezuelan democracy

Florida's congressional Democrats banded together this week to call on Congress to fully fund efforts to defend democracy in Venezuela.

5 years ago

Bipartisan House bill expands Medicare

"It’s more imperative than ever that we ensure our communities get the care they deserve.”

5 years ago