
Democrats Say FBI Director Wray contends that ANTIFA does not exist.

Congressional Democrats, including former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell,  have used the tragic Capitol riot tothe entire Republican Party as…

4 years ago

Rubio Says Rioting Has Cost Businesses $1 Billion

This week, Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) sat down with Fox and Friends to discuss a number of issues in…

4 years ago

Progressive Pam Keith impugns all police officers nationwide, "even the good ones"

After cruising to victory in both the 2016 and 2018 election cycles, Rep. Brian Mast (R) now faces a much…

4 years ago

Deutch defends anarchists in Portland, blames "secret police" of inciting violence

Florida Rep. Ted Deutch (D) is pushing the media narrative that the ongoing violent riots in Portland, Oregon by the…

4 years ago

NRCC Dubs Mucarsel-Powell Public Enemy #1

With the 2020 election looming closer, the NRCC is slamming Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) as Public Enemy #1 in…

5 years ago

Mucarsel-Powell dismisses Rubio's support for "legitimate protestors"

Since the beginning of the protests and riots that have gripped the nation when George Floyd was murdered by police…

5 years ago

Anarchist(s) vandalize Columbus statue in Miami, House Democrats silent

House Democrats continue to deny that ANTIFA and other anarchist groups, including Black Lives Matters, are the groups responsible for…

5 years ago

Marco Rubio confirms anarchists fueling riots

With numerous protests spreading across the country, lawmakers have grown contentious as one side of the aisle blames the riots,…

5 years ago

House Democrats question Trump, refuse to acknowledge the ANTIFA threat

Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) hosted a tele-press conference on Monday and invited fellow Democratic Reps. Lois Frankel, Ted Deutch, and…

5 years ago

JUICE - Florida Politics' Juicy Read - 6.1.20 - Race Riots In Florida! - Clinton Stokes Racial Divide - Trump Takes On ANTIFA - More...

The nation was hit with widespread riots that stemmed from so-called “protests” over the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota, but…

5 years ago

ANTIFA assaults police and burns MAGA hats at Trump rally

Minus a couple of hecklers that were quickly escorted out fo the event, President Donald Trump's rally in front of…

5 years ago