15-week abortion ban

Pro-Life Florida Senator Refiles Controversial Fetal Wrongful Death Bill

The Florida Senate's leading pro-life advocate, Erin Grall, refiled a controversial bill on Wednesday that would expand the state's wrongful…

3 days ago

'Cruel and Unusual': Senate Minority Leader Slams Six-Week Abortion Ban Going into Effect May 1st

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book slammed the "cruel and unusual" nature of Florida's six-week abortion ban going into effect…

10 months ago

Wasserman Schultz Rips 'Archaic' Arizona Abortion Ruling, Mocks DeSantis Over Ballot Prediction

The Floridian was able to catch up with Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) to get her take on the recent Arizona…

11 months ago

Moskowitz Says Abortion Ballot Initiative Failure 'Not Foregone Conclusion'

Florida's abortion law is set to be on the ballot in November, but Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) recently suggested the…

11 months ago

Will Abortion be the Biggest Voter Turnout Drive in November?

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Just one week after Florida's Supreme Court allowed a 6-week abortion ban to take hold of the state, Arizona's…

11 months ago

'Radical' Accusations Fly at Abortion Ban, Abortion Amendment: Who's Right?

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Two Florida Supreme Court decisions targeting opposing sides of the abortion debate are causing a deeper party split within…

11 months ago

Triple Decision: Supreme Court Allows Abortion, Marijuana on the Ballot, But Triggers 6-Week Abortion Ban

TALLAHASSEE, FL—No, this is not an April Fools prank; the Florida Supreme Court delivered Monday the monumental decision of allowing…

11 months ago

Alabama's IVF Restrictions Strike Fear Into Florida Democrats

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Democrats are demanding that a bill defining fetal personhood and expanding wrongful death actions to the unborn be killed…

1 year ago

Abortion Access, IVF in Danger? Unborn Child Bill Faces Strong Opposition

TALLAHASSEE, FL—A bill allowing parents to collect damages for the death of their unborn child would grant rights to a…

1 year ago

DeSantis Holds Hard-line Position on Abortion, Haley Wants to 'Find Consensus'

MIAMI—After Republicans endured seismic losses in the polls this past week due to the issue of abortion, it was a…

1 year ago

Frost Calls on FL Judges to Uphold Abortion

In April, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) signed a bill prohibiting abortions after 6 weeks following an earlier 15-week ban. The…

1 year ago

Book Commemorates Roe vs Wade, Gives Rousing 'Abortion is Healthcare' Address [Video]

Vice President Kamala Harris (D)  recently traveled to Florida’s capital city to give remarks commemorating the 50th anniversary of the…

2 years ago

Florida Abortion Clinic Fights Fine Over Waiting Period

TALLAHASSEE — A Central Florida abortion clinic is challenging a potential $193,000 state fine, the third case to emerge in…

2 years ago

15-Week Abortion Limit Headed to DeSantis

By Ryan Dailey TALLAHASSEE — Florida doctors could soon be prohibited from performing abortions past 15 weeks of pregnancy after…

3 years ago

Florida House Passes 15-Week Abortion Limit

By Ryan Dailey TALLAHASSEE — Florida House members early Thursday morning passed a bill that would prohibit doctors from performing…

3 years ago