Watchdog Group Holds Election Security Press Conference, Advocates for Voter Protections

Watchdog Group Holds Election Security Press Conference, Advocates for Voter Protections

An election security press conference advocated for stronger election security and reduced voter fraud

Liv Caputo
Liv Caputo
January 18, 2024

TALLAHASSEE, FL --- Watchdog group Defend Florida held a press conference Wednesday afternoon, advocating for tighter election security and elimination of voter fraud. Florida Republican lawmakers Rep. Rick Roth and Rep. Doug Bankson were among the speakers, highlighting 8 bills this session designed to protect elections.

"We don't have ballot security in the state of Florida: we need to treat our ballots like money," Rep. Roth announced, "We want to have tighter security at the vote counting location. I want to see that if you vote-by-mail that you have to include a copy of your ID card--you should be able to verify who I am by my signature and by my ID card."

8 separate bills this session are designed to strengthen election security, coming in the wake of years-long allegations of voter fraud across the country. Aside from voter fraud debate over the Trump-Biden election, One Defend Florida member told the Floridian about a situation in Clermont, in which voters who lived on 12th Street suddenly had their addresses changed to "Red Belly Road".

Rep. Bankson addressed the need for updated technology in voter protection, stating: "That which protects us as voters is old technology, we need to refresh all of the security. We need to give the option to be able to hand count votes. Voting is one of the most sacred rights that we have: I respect the rights of the voter, wherever they stand."

Of the 8 elections bills only one has a companion bill.


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Liv Caputo

Liv Caputo

Livia Caputo is a senior at Florida State University, working on a major in Criminology, and a triple minor in Psychology, Communications, and German. She has been working on a journalism career for the past year, and hopes to become a successful reporter after graduation. Her work has been cited in Fox News, the New York Post, and the Daily Mail

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