The Jewish Community Needs 6 More Years of Senator Rick Scott’s Unwavering Support for Israel and Efforts to Fight Against Antisemitism

The Jewish Community Needs 6 More Years of Senator Rick Scott’s Unwavering Support for Israel and Efforts to Fight Against Antisemitism

September 25, 2024

By Bryan Leib

Last week in Miami at FIU’s campus, Senator Rick Scott organized a roundtable discussion with Jewish and non-Jewish leaders to facilitate a conversation about the dangerous rise of Antisemitism in Florida, calling the coalition “Floridians Against Antisemitism”. The event was attended by State Rep. Randy Fine, local mayors, prominent Rabbis and Pastors.

I was honored to participate in the roundtable and I must say, it was so refreshing to see the Senator, who is not Jewish, talk about why fighting Antisemitism is so important to him.

In an era where global tensions and domestic divisions run high, it is essential to recognize leaders who have consistently stood up for values that transcend political divides. Senator Scott is one such leader, particularly when it comes to his steadfast commitment to fighting antisemitism and his unwavering support for the State of Israel.

In both the U.S. Senate and during his tenure as Florida’s governor, Senator Scott demonstrated an unflinching dedication to ensuring that the Jewish community feels protected and that Israel remains secure on the global stage.

Senator Scott has made it clear that hatred against Jews has no place in America, taking meaningful steps to combat antisemitism at every level throughout his political career. He has pushed for stronger enforcement of laws targeting hate crimes and has been a vocal proponent of educating the public on the dangers of antisemitic rhetoric and actions.

It’s my belief that for Senator Scott, this fight is not just about condemning words; it’s about ensuring that antisemitism is rooted out wherever it appears.

Additionally, Scott has recognized that antisemitism cannot be fought solely within the borders of the United States. He has urged global leaders to be vigilant, particularly in addressing antisemitic actions perpetrated by state actors and terrorist organizations. In this way, Scott has positioned himself as a leader not just nationally, but globally, in the battle against hate.

When it comes to Israel, the Senator has never flinched in supporting the world’s only Jewish state; Israel and he has taken a lot of pushback from the far left.

Just today, the Senator’s DC office was vandalized and the Senator responded by posting the image to social media saying “I’ve got news for whoever did this: we won’t be intimidated. Iran-backed Hamas brutally murdered Israelis & Americans. Hamas is evil & Florida will ALWAYS stand with Israel.”

We all know that Israel is one of America’s strongest allies, and Senator Rick Scott has been one of the U.S. Senate’s most consistent voices in support of the Jewish state. His commitment to Israel’s security, sovereignty, and prosperity is unwavering. Having made several trips to Israel, he saw firsthand the country’s security challenges and its strategic importance to both the United States and the Middle East.

In addition to combating Antisemitism and supporting Israel, another key area where Senator Scott has demonstrated his commitment to Israel is his unyielding stance against the Islamic Republic of Iran, a country that poses one of the most significant threats to Israel's security.

Senator Scott has consistently opposed efforts to appease the Iranian regime, recognizing that its nuclear ambitions and support for terrorist organizations like Hezbollah threaten not only Israel but the entire region.

Scott has been critical of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, believing it offered Iran too many concessions while failing to ensure lasting security for Israel. Instead, he has called for a tougher approach to Iran, one that ensures the regime can never develop a nuclear weapon. His advocacy for imposing stronger sanctions on Iran reflects his broader commitment to curbing terrorism and protecting Israel from existential threats.

Senator Scott’s record on supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism is both comprehensive and deeply personal. In a world where Antisemitism continues to rear its ugly head, and where Israel’s security remains precarious, Senator Scott’s leadership on these issues has been a beacon of steadfastness and one the Jewish community is very grateful for.

Through his legislative efforts, his international advocacy, and his consistent moral clarity, Senator Scott has proven himself to be one of the most reliable allies of the Jewish community and the State of Israel. I am honored to endorse Senator Scott for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

Bryan E. Leib is the CEO of Henry Public Relations. He resides in South Florida and he can be found on X @BryanLeibFL

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