Donalds Reintroduces DEMOCRACIA Act

Donalds Reintroduces DEMOCRACIA Act

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
February 17, 2023

Florida Rep. Byron Donalds (R) has joined forces with Florida Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R) and Maria Elvira Salazar (R) to reintroduce legislation. Donalds has reintroduced the bicameral DEMOCRACIA Act.

The bill, titled the Denying Earnings to the Military Oligarchy in Cuba and Restricting Activities of the Cuban Intelligence Apparatus would penalize Cuba's communist regime through financial pressure and comprehensive sanctions. The bill has also received support in the Senate with Florida Senators Marco Rubio (R) and Rick Scott (R), Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville (R), and Kansas Senator Roger Marshall (R) introducing a companion bill.

In a statement, Donalds detailed that “for six decades, the Cuban people have faced unimaginable horrors that have denied their fundamental human rights, subjected them to imprisonment and abuse, and limited the prosperity of millions." In response to this, the bill will target "the worst abusers in the authoritarian government," holding them accountable for "their egregious human rights violations against democracy activists." The bill also aims to reaffirm the United States' "commitment to freedom, liberty, and justice."

"The Cuban people need and deserve the full support of the United States in their relentless and righteous fight for liberation from the Communist Cuban regime,” he added.

Diaz Balart echoed in his remarks, praising the "crucial legislation" that will "impose tough sanctions on those who enrich the murderous, oppressive, and anti-American Cuban dictatorship."

"As brave pro-democracy and human rights activists continue to face brutality, imprisonment, and repression for simply demanding freedom, this legislation will deny resources to the regime’s machinery of oppression, including the Cuban military and state security," Diaz Balart added, citing the support the bill has received in both the House and the Senate for "holding human rights abusers accountable, and for their strong solidarity with the Cuban people.”

The bill also addresses internet concerns in Cuba, designating a taskforce that would provide internet access to the Cuban people that would not be censured by the authorities.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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