THE FLORIDIAN - Florida's Daily Political Read - 6.17.2019- The American Disgrace - DeSantis Signs 'Sanctuary Cities

THE FLORIDIAN - Florida's Daily Political Read - 6.17.2019- The American Disgrace - DeSantis Signs 'Sanctuary Cities" Bill - Trump's Re-election Rally in Orlando

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
June 17, 2019

Promise made, promises kept

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is making on heck of case for his re-election, even though he is over 3 years from ramping up those efforts.

DeSantis finally signed the much anticipated 'sanctuary cities' bill he asked legislators to send to him. This was "yuge" for him, Floridians READ MORE


"President Trump to launch re-election in Orlando, but will tariff policies hurt his chances here in 2020?," by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres

On Tuesday, June 18, Orlando’s Amway Center will host the official kickoff of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign with an event featuring First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence.

By choosing Orlando, the Trump campaign is signaling its heavy emphasis on winning the Sunshine State in 2020. However, one of the president’s signature policies – tariffs – could jeopardize his chances here come November 2020...


“Buttigieg: Abolishing the Electoral College is a “Long-Term” Plan,” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina

After the 2016 Presidential election, calls for abolishing the Electoral College grew louder and louder with each passing day of the Trump administration. With time, the calls quieted down, but now it seems that the issue has made its way back to the forefront of the 2020 Presidential election...


“Biden slips again, only 4-points ahead of Warren in CA,” by HISPOLITICA

Because California is the bluest of blue states, so national Republicans don’t expect President Trump will win the state in the 2020 presidential election. Democrats always, always win the state. But in 2020, California could decide who will face Trump. The latest LA Times poll has Biden barely up by 4-points...


“Julian Castro defends his Hatch Act violation as “mistake,” by HISPOLITICA

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro (D), took part in a town hall hosted by Fox News in Tempe, Arizona. In the town hall, Castro commented on a recent recommendation from the Office of Special Counsel, which suggested that White House adviser Kellyanne Conwayshould be fired for violating the Hatch Act...


"Trump’s “oppo” research remark stokes talk of impeachment." by HISPOLITICA

Democrats like Rep. Omar Ilhan are besides themselves over President Trump’s recent remarks that he would “take” “oppo” research or information about potential political opponents from possible Russia or China, which has now fueled their call for his impeachment.

In listening to the Oval Office interview between President Trump and ABC News Chief George Stephanopoulos, the president said that he would do what every congressman would do, and at least “hear” the opposition research being offered to him.



Joe Biden >>> "7 years ago, @BarackObama and I offered security to DREAMers, young people brought here as kids who only know America as home. Trump is trying to break our country's promise to them & continues to threaten their status. DREAMers are Americans. It’s time we kept our word to them.


Kamala Harris touched on all of the Democratic Party talking points in her latest tweet >>>"Together, let’s build an America where teachers are paid their value. Where health care is a right, not a privilege. Where children can go to school without mass shootings. This is the America I believe in and know we can be."


Pete Buttigieg : "Change will not just happen. We need Congress to deliver on common-sense gun laws supported by an American majority, like universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons. And we need every state to pass a hate crimes law."

Roberto "Beto" O'Rourke is pushing for criminal justice reform, says that president he would "permanently reshape the justice system, we must not just end the prohibition of marijuana and expunge the records of those arrested for possession but we must end cash bail, prisons for profit, mandatory minimums, & the schoolhouse to jailhouse pipeline. As president, I will.

Elizabeth Warren
is touting legislation she helped introduce to impose "massive" fines on companies that do not protect personal data.



AMERICAN DISGRACE - OPINION: “Megan Rapinoe : The American Disgrace,” by The Floridian

The national disgrace known as Women’s US Soccer player Megan Rapinoe continues displaying her anti-American sentiment on the world stage.

The openly gay midfielder has vowed to never address US flag or the national anthem, and continues her disrespect for the anthem of the country that has afforded her the opportunity to succeed in the sport that she so loves....


Rep. Ocasio-Cortez highlights “unusual” paid parental leave plan,” by HISPOLITICA’s Daniel Molina

One political topic that has divided voters is paid parental leave. Though lawmakers and voters are contentious regarding the issue, for Congress paid parental leave is left up to the individual employer as it is in workplaces throughout the United States…


"Shalala presses partisan effort to save Obamacare,” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres

During the 2018 mid-term elections, Democrats won control of the U.S. House of Representatives by making the election all about healthcare.

Now with the 2202 presidential election in full swing, and Republicans poised to possibly win back the House, retain the Senate, and re-elect President Trump, Democrats are once again pivoting towards healthcare in hopes to preserve their majority…


“Waltz: Trump Administration Pressuring Iran is working,” by The Floridian’s Daniel Molina

Tension with Iran has risen as Thursday saw an attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.

Two oil tankers were attacked in the Strait of Hormuz, andSecretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a statement explaining that U.S. intelligence uncovered that Iran was responsible for the attacks...


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) has made the case for why the U.S. should not attack Iran. Mr. Fox News tweeted "Japanese and Norwegian vessels were attacked. If these nations aren’t calling for war, neither should the U.S. We can’t afford another #ForeverWar

If the Norwegians and Japanese don't want to step up, why should the U.S?


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) spent the weekend celebrating Pride month in S. Florida, and by attacking Gov. Ron Desantis, calling his signing of the 'sanctuary cities" bill into law as "hate and Xenophobia."


Rep. Brian Mast (R), like everyone else, loves him some doggies. He is pushing the #puppersact to save them in the VA.


Oh my! Rep. Ted Deutch (D)

"New state budget sent to DeSantis," by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

As planned, the Legislature on Friday sent a proposed $91.1 billion budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The governor, who has vowed to use his line-item veto power to trim the budget, is expected to sign the document (SB 2500) and issue vetoes next week.


Ron DeSantis signs ‘sanctuary cities’ bill into law," by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Gov. Ron DeSantis made good on his campaign promise to crack down on ‘sanctuary cities’ if he was elected governor in 2018...


First Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Awarded," by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Florida Governor Ron DeSantisannounced that the Department of Economic Opportunity has awarded the first Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan for agricultural producers to John P. Jordan Farm in Bascom, Florida...


ICYMI >>> It finally happened...It's finally going to happen. Gov. Ron DeSantis will sign the 'sanctuary cities' bill by News Service of Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis will sign legislation Friday to ban so-called sanctuary cities in Florida, a proposal that was one of the most controversial issues of the 2019 legislative session and a top priority of the governor.

A DeSantis spokeswoman confirmed Thursday that he will sign the bill, and Senate sponsor Joe Gruters, a Sarasota Republican who doubles as chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, said he will be in Okaloosa County with DeSantis and U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., for a bill-signing ceremony.


Large field set for Democratic presidential debates by News Service of Florida


AG Commissioner Fried rallies support for Hemp by News Service of Florida


FL Education Dept to sink $1.3 million into school vulnerabilities by POLITICO


CFO Jimmy Patronis honors all of us "real superheroes" (Dads) who take beating, but keep on ticking for our kids.


AG Commissioner Nikki Fried>>> "#Hemp is an opportunity for farmers to access an alternative crop, for patients to access safe #cannabis products, and usher in a new green economy.

It can strengthen agriculture, manufacturing, processing & other sectors of Florida’s economy!"


Attorney General Ashley Moody >>> "#HappyFathersDay to my amazing husband, Justin. You are a loving father, great role model and my rock.

You will always be my personal hero for all that you do for our family—for the big things and the little things.... like always pumping the gas."

President Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “I think we have a very real risk of losing the Presidency to Donald Trump.” I agree, and that is the only reason they play the impeach card, which cannot be legally used!

Rep. Val Demings @RepValDemings

Here’s what @HouseDemocrats passed so far. You may hear a lot about our work to hold the president accountable, but that’s just one part of our work#ForThePeople.

Access to health care is a necessity and a right. We’re fighting to make it a reality. #HealthCareWeekend

More Democrats want Trump impeached by Telemundo

More Democratic voters believe that Congress should start impeachment hearings against President Trump's conduct while he is in office, although the country remains divided on this issue, according to a new national poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal.

Overall, 27% of Americans say there is enough evidence to immediately start indictment hearings; 10 points more than in last month's survey.

Another 24% think that Congress should continue to investigate whether there is sufficient evidence to hold impeachment hearings in the future. This line has dropped eight points.

And 48% believe that Congress should not hold impeachment hearings and that Trump should end his term as president; a percentage that has not changed since a month ago.

Almost all of the growth in support for the idea of ​​impeachment has come from the Democrats, of whom 48% want the hearings to take place right now. These represented 30% a month ago.

Now only 6% of Republicans support the holding of impeachment hearings, while 86% say that Trump should end his term as president.

Among the independents, 22% want audiences to take place already, 34% prefer to continue investigating and 44% oppose.

The NBC and WSJ poll comes after the end of May former special advisor Robert Mueller addressed the nation affirming that if he had confidence that the president did not commit a crime when it came to obstruction of justice " we would have said it "; as well as after the Trump government has defied the summonses of the democrats to gather more testimonies on the investigation of the Russian plot.

Trump has continued to maintain that he did not obstruct justice in Mueller's investigation of Russia.

Trump exhibits an approval rating of 44%...


Medical coverage for undocumented immigrants in California does not satisfy everyone by Telemundo

The decision to offer health coverage of the state to undocumented persons would exclude people over 65 years old and provoke criticism of the measure


Matt Gaetz @mattgaetz



Debbie Wasserman Schultz @DWStweets

Today we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots - a celebration of joy, self-realization, activism, and resistance. So grateful to spend the day with such amazing community at the 20th year of this event#StonewallWiltonManors

Florida Chik-Fil-A owner arrested for child molestation by Fox News

Florida Chick-fil-A franchise owner was arrested Wednesday on two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a 15-year-old, the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office said.

Heather Matuszek, 32, was the alleged victim’s youth leader at Clearwater Community Church in Pinellas County in 2014 and 2015 when the incidents allegedly took place, The Tampa Bay Times reported.

The alleged victim, who is now 19, told deputies Matuszek touched her inappropriately two times, the report said. She reported the allegations last March.

The investigation is ongoing and the sheriff’s office says they believe there could be more victims. The alleged victim also said there were more inappropriate incidents with Matuszek outside of the county.

Matuszek posted her $40,000 bail Wednesday night, according to The Times.


2 arrested after plastic surgeon is kidnapped and tortured by Local CBS (Miami)

FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – The federal criminal complaint reads like a movie script; a pair of men kidnap a doctor, torture him and make him give up information about tens of thousands of dollars in cash.

But this was no movie, federal investigators say. This was real life. And the men accused of the shocking crime, Justin Boccio and Serge Nkorina, face up to life in prison if convicted.

The feds say the men began their preparations for the violent crime at a Broward County Home Depot with a purchase of supplies in late December.

Then they visited a Broward Budget rental car business in early January and rented a van.

Finally, in mid-January the feds say the kidnappers found their victim at a Broward Walmart and set off on a nine hour odyssey of kidnapping, torture and threats of murder.

The court documents reveal that the victim told federal agents that he was a plastic surgeon in Broward but the documents do not reveal his name or why the suspected kidnappers made him their target.

The documents say the kidnappers “forced him into a waiting van” and “blindfolded him.”

They “bound his hands and feet” and the victim’s “captors repeatedly used a Taser to shock him.” Then they drove for an hour to Margate and at a storage facility there the torture began.

The “captors struck him and used a blowtorch to burn the top of his hands.” They also “burned his hands with a hot metal object.”

Federal investigators say the kidnappers, Nkorina and Boccio, wanted money and the victim gave them his address, an alarm code to the home and “instructions on where they could find approximately $50,000 inside of his house.”



For awhile there, all of the recent public opinion polls had Joe Biden falling from this perch atop the 2020 field of presidential hopeful. Now the new Fox News poll shows that "Uncle Joe" or "Sleepy Joe" is leading Sen. Bernie Sanders by 19-points.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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