Florida has a long-standing reputation of being a litigious state, and it’s time we do something to fix it. In addition to this bad reputation, the lawsuit abuse clogging our courtrooms has various and far-reaching effects that impact every single one of us, as well as our state’s economy.
Excessive litigation is bad for business. When a state like Florida allows greedy lawyers to sue businesses over any reason, businesses no longer want to come to Florida, and the ones that are here are desperate to flee. This means higher costs, fewer jobs and a worsening state economy.
For these reasons, and many more, it’s crucial that we use 2021 as the year to push our legislators to take the matter of tort reform seriously, and introduce meaningful legislation that will put Florida back on the path toward a fair and balanced legal system. Until this happens, our businesses, economy and ourselves will suffer.
Family Director of Abundant Life Ministries