Senate Bill Forwards Exempting 100% Disabled Veterans from State Tolls

Senate Bill Forwards Exempting 100% Disabled Veterans from State Tolls

Michael Costeines
Michael Costeines
March 26, 2025

The Senate Committee on Transportation favored a bill 8-0 on Tuesday that would exempt 100% disabled veterans from having to pay tolls in the State of Florida.

Sen. Blaise Ingoglia filed the bill (SB 532) in the Senate. Rep. J.J. Grow (R-Inverness) is carrying the House version (HB 445).

Sen. Ingoglia explained the bill to the committee.

"Senate Bill 532 exempts 100% disabled veterans from paying tolls in the State of Florida," Ingoglia said. "The bill was brought by a constituent who is a 100% disabled veteran who had to travel long distances to go to a VA (Veterans Affairs) hospital; wondering if we are such a veteran-friendly state, then why does he have to incur more costs as a 100% disabled veteran just to get to the healthcare he needs?"

Ingoglia agreed with the veterans' concern.

"It is my belief for those that have sacrificed so much for our country they should be given every benefit possible," Ingoglia added.

According to a recent article from The Hill, Florida has the second-most veterans of any state in the country at over 1.3 million. The state is between Texas in the stop spot and California in third place.

“Throughout the years, I’ve worked alongside the legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis to ensure Florida remains the most veteran-friendly state to live, work, and play. I am honored to sponsor a piece of legislation that will allow 100% disabled veterans to travel the state toll-free," Ingoglia said previously. "Our valued veterans community, over 50,000 strong in my district, have sacrificed and served our great country honorably; this bill will be a small token of gratitude for their selfless service."

SB 532 has two more committee stops. If fully passed by the Florida Legislature, SB 532/HB 445 would take effect on July 1.

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Michael Costeines

Michael Costeines

Michael Costeines is a political and former sports writer based in South Florida. Originally from Connecticut, Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University.

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