TALLAHASSEE—Amid the feud over the illegal immigration special session between Gov. Ron DeSantis, House Speaker Danny Perez, and Senate President Ben Albritton, Trump-endorsed Rep. Meg Weinberger was kicked out of her hotel room at the Governor's Inn for voting against the governor's immigration proposal.
Shortly after the state lawmakers voted in favor of the "TRUMP Act" put forward by Speaker Perez and President Albritton, Rep. Weinberger was told by the owners of the Governor's Inn hotel that she had to immediately leave their establishment because she voted against Gov. DeSantis' immigration proposal.
The Floridian Publisher Javier Manjarres was with Rep. Weinberger when she received the news that she was booted from the hotel.
Within an hour or so after the Governor's Inn ownership told Weinberger to leave, it appears that cooler minds prevailed and Weinberger was allowed to stay.
Weinberger could not be reached for further comment.
Gov. DeSantis is expected to veto the newly passed illegal immigration measure.