Miami-Dade County Goes Red in Early Voting

Miami-Dade County Goes Red in Early Voting

Across Florida, Republicans also have an advantage in early in-person voting.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
October 25, 2024

Voters traveled to the voting booth this week to cast votes on their preferred candidates. Miami-Dade County, which has traditionally been a blue county, has now shifted red. According to the latest election results, the combined numbers for early and mail-in voting show that Republicans are overtaking Democrats in the county.

Thursday afternoon, Miami-Dade County flipped red. Results show that Republicans have over 114,195 total votes in the county compared to over 114,113 votes for Democrats. As such, Republicans have a +17.1% advantage when it comes to early in-person voting compared to the 13.2% advantage that Democrats have on mail-in voting.

Across Florida, Republicans also have an advantage in early in-person voting. Republicans approximately have a 54.14% advantage over Democrat's 26.99%, which is an estimated difference of 374,000 votes. When it comes to mail-in voting, Democrats across the state have the advantage with 42.29% over Republican's 36.35%.

President Donald Trump (R) carried the state in 2016 and 2020, and the sunshine state is not considered a battleground state given that Republicans have registered a million more Republicans over Democrats in the state.

However, not all registered Republicans are casting their ballot for the former president. This week, during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe", Al Cardenas (R), the former Chair of the Republican Party of Florida, shared that he will be casting his vote for Vice President Kamala Harris (D).

What drove him to make the decision? He states that "trolling" from Republicans over the federal government's response to Hurricane Helene.

Calling natural disasters "a bipartisan issue," Cardenas went on to express that "the White House asked Congress to pass a bill to — a supplemental bill — to really help people with these disasters, because we may be running outta cash. All of a sudden, the trolling, the Trump operatives and everybody else started saying, ‘Well, they’re giving that money to illegal immigrants.’ Not true.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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