Trump Campaign Claims Momentum Over Harris Campaign

Trump Campaign Claims Momentum Over Harris Campaign

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 5, 2024

The battle for momentum rages on as both President Donald Trump (R) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D) vie for the hearts and votes of the American people. Next week, both candidates will meet on the debate stage to discuss the pressing concerns that the country faces. Despite Vice President Harris’ growing popularity, the Trump Campaign argues that President Trump has the momentum in the race.

This week, the Trump campaign released a memo, questioning recent polls that indicate Vice President Harris is leading in the election. There are nine weeks left until voters decide the next president, and Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, two senior advisors to the Trump campaign, believe that “the forecast has since inversed in President Trump’s favor.”

Accusing the media of taking part in a “Harris Honeymoon,” the Trump campaign detailed several reasons why the Harris campaign isn't as strong as it might seem.

Among several issues that are highlighted, the memo notes that "Kamala Harris has been the Democrat nominee for 44 days and still has not done a solo interview or press conference." Moreover, "Kamala Harris has built-in defenders on national TV who routinely defend her with glowing headlines, made-for-TV segments, and little scrutiny."

However, despite this disadvantage, they argue that President Trump has, they still believe that the president would come out victorious if the election were held today.

"Several media-sponsored polls show that compared to 2020 exit polls, President Trump is outperforming with Blacks, Hispanics and even younger voters (18-34) so far in 20204," the memo notes. To combat this, the Harris campaign is allegedly "reacting by running massive quantities of TV ads to fraudulently rebrand Kamala as tough on crime and immigration."

The memo also points out that the Trump campaign benefits from support from the likes of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (I) and Tulsi Gabbard (I), who have both vowed to campaign against Vice President Harris.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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