Trump Campaign Announces 'Catholics for Trump' Coalition

Trump Campaign Announces 'Catholics for Trump' Coalition

In an email to supporters, the Trump campaign announced the formation of the coalition, which is

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 5, 2024

President Donald Trump (R) has professed his support for religious freedom on the campaign trail. At a time when his most ardent supporters argue that religious liberty is under attack, a new coalition has formed to push back against detractors. President Trump announced the launch of "Catholics for Trump," a coalition endeavoring to protect freedom of religion.

In an email to supporters, the Trump campaign announced the formation of the coalition, which is "committed to safeguarding the vital principles of religious liberty and defending family values that President Donald J. Trump has ardently championed." The coalition shared its support for President Trump, noting that while he was in office, "our nation witnessed unprecedented support for religious freedom, with significant victories both domestically and globally."

This, the coalition argues, has been significantly undermined under the Biden-Harris Administration.

The coalition also shared comments from notable conservatives and catholics, who spoke on the importance of the coalition as well as commenting on the need for President Trump to return to the White House.

One of those conservative voices is Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (R), who also ran unsuccessfully in the 2012 presidential election.

Senator Santorum commented that, "like all Catholics who follow the teachings of the church, it guides every decision I make. There has never been a time when those values and the freedom to practice them have been in greater peril." "With such high stakes, we are blessed to have the easiest decision in modern history as to which candidate for president has a record in public office more consistent with those teachings," Senator Santorum added.

The issue of religious freedom has been closely linked to notable social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, which has largely pitted conservatives and liberals against each other. However, President Trump has been accused of voicing more liberal views regarding both issues in recent years. Those views will likely be explored in the upcoming presidential debate on September 10th.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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