Moskowitz Claims Congress 'Isn't Serious' About Gun Violence

Moskowitz Claims Congress 'Isn't Serious' About Gun Violence

“The system is set up not to find compromise.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 5, 2024

Georgia is at the center of public dialogue this week after a school shooting in Apalachee High School. The shooting, allegedly perpetrated by a 14-year-old, resulted in two students and two teachers being killed. As the country mourns the lives of those lost, and as lawmakers rush to respond to the tragedy, what that response should be remains in question. Florida Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D), responding to the shooting, claims that Congress “isn’t serious” about issues like gun violence.

The shooting, considered the deadliest school shooting in Georgia, shocked the nation this week, renewing public conversation regarding gun control in the country. The investigation of the 14-year-old that’s accused of perpetrating the shooting has uncovered an obsession with the shooting in Parkland, Florida according to two officials.

In response to the shooting, Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) highlighted on social media that he had “worked with Max [Schachter] and other Parkland parents after that horrible tragedy to pass historic school safety legislation and I urge other states to follow Florida’s lead.”

This garnered a response from the Florida Senator’s challenger, Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D).

The senatorial hopeful issued a response on social media, sharing that she understands the loss of gun violence before criticizing Senator Scott for his alleged voting record on gun violence. “Rick Scott has voted against every single bill that would save other families from going through that, and then lies in their faces,” she wrote. “It’s DISGUSTING and Florida will put a stop to it in November.”

Rep. Moskowitz appears to agree that a change is needed as he suggested in a recent interview with CNN that the United States’ current congress “isn’t serious” about issues like gun violence.

“The system is set up not to find compromise,” he stated.

“My colleagues across the aisle are going back to Washington next week. What are we doing? We’re going to subpoena Tim Walz.”

“We’re sending the vice-presidential candidate a subpoena, and then, in the very same day, my colleagues want to talk to us about the weaponization of government,” he added. Instead, Rep. Moskowitz believes that congress should be focused on things that are pertinent to the American people like “lowering costs” and “keeping people safe in their communities”.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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