Waltz Torches Biden, Harris for Ignoring Afghanistan Gold Star Families

Waltz Torches Biden, Harris for Ignoring Afghanistan Gold Star Families

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
August 26, 2024

This week marks the third anniversary of the tragically botched Afghanistan withdrawal, which claimed 13 American soldiers' lives at Abbey Gate. Despite this, the Biden Administration insists it was a success and has not contacted the families of the deceased. Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) discussed this "unconscionable" behavior in a recent appearance on Fox and Friends First, further noting the negative impact of the administration's actions abroad.

Just before Rep. Waltz appeared, Shana Chappell, mother of Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, one of the 13 dead in Afghanistan, denounced the Biden Administration and said the state of affairs was not what her son fought for.

Rep. Waltz agreed, adding, "The fact that Biden nor Vice President Harris have even said those families' names out loud the last four years, heck, the entire Democratic Party was at the DNC last week, and not a single one even said the word 'Afghanistan,' which is just a slap in the face to everyone who served there and a slap in the face to these families. It is just unconscionable."

More egregiously, the Florida Congressman noted that neither Biden nor Harris has "acknowledged them, won't meet with them, won't even take their calls or answer their questions, but [the families] don't believe that they have learned the lessons of leadership, have learned the lessons of what happened. They are still, at this point, saying this was an outstanding success."

"Meanwhile, you have al Qaeda, you have ISIS, you have the Taliban hunting down allies, and you have terrorism. Now that is back again, and that is on the march. And [the families] know, and I know, and all the veterans know, that future American soldiers are going to have to go clean up this mess," Waltz continued.

Moreover, Waltz compared this with former President Donald Trump, who has contacted the 13 Gold Star families and "has promised them transparency when he is back in the White House. He is going to release all of the videos, all of the tapes, answer all of their questions, and give them the transparency and the closure they deserve."

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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