Anti-Israel Antisemitism Hits the Streets of South Florida (Again) (VIDEO)

Anti-Israel Antisemitism Hits the Streets of South Florida (Again) (VIDEO)

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
August 19, 2024

FORT LAUDERDALE—The anti-Israel, antisemitic sentiment that has spread across the world as a result of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, was in full display on the streets of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas activists chanted the infamous,” From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" and held up antisemitic tropes.

At the now-infamous "corner" at the Federal courthouse in downtown Fort Lauderdale, 60 or so Khafeya-wearing demonstrators held up their anti-Israel signs in hopes of garnering acceptance and credibility from the greater public.

In speaking to several of the organizers, the attack against Israel on October 7 2023 was justified, and the rapes committed by Hamas soldiers did not occur.

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"

While one organizer, who chose not to comment directly about the event he helped put together, outright denied the rapes occurred against Israeli civilians, while another said that any rapes that did occur were not systemic, meaning that they were not part of the official Hamas game plan, but rather committed by rogue terrorists.

According to the events unofficial media contact at the event, retired History teacher Krishna Madan, several groups took part in last weekend’s protest at the U.S. Federal building in Fort Lauderdale, FloridaAl-Awda, which is the Palestinian Right to Return, Jewish Voices for Peace, [and] Students for Justice in Palestine.

Madan stood his ground that the rapes that Hamas militants committed were not systemic, or done on orders from leadership, but rather by “ individuals acting out of line against the policy.”

“So again, there's a question as to individual rapes versus whether it was a systematic method or policy, based on what Hamas is doing. Rapes occur in war. Does it always mean that it's a systematic policy? The New York Times did claim that – one of the [people] in the New York Times articles who wrote it is a propagandist for Israel, and many New York Times staffers have complained about that article being extremely biased, and not considering evidence contrary. This is not to deny that rapes may have taken place, but there's big doubt as to whether it was a systematic policy,” said Madan.

Madan then equated the attacks against civilians to the Holocaust committed by Nazi Germany.

“So, we are not justifying any crimes against civilians that occurred on October 7. Whatever may have happened that may be a crime, does not justify genocide against the Palestinian population. Those are two separate things. I mean, when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia and Palestine, ‘38, 1939, precipitating World War Two and precipitating the Holocaust, they used attacks on German civilians. So, attacks on your civilians are not a cause for committing genocide against an entire population. So, those are two separate things,” Madan continued.

Madan, who wants international law to prosecute Israel for committing an alleged “genocide” against Palestinians, incredibly stated that only Israel was open to be charged with “war crimes”  but not the actual Hamas terror group, its leadership, rank-and-file, and its supporters?

The Floridian: So, in the endgame, pretty much you guys want international law to supersede, go after the war criminals that you guys accuse in Israel, but what about the war criminals on the Palestinian side? What should be done with those guys?

Madan: Well, they should be judged according to international law, also. Everyone should be judged according to national law. However, [an] attack on Israel by occupied Palestinians is not a war crime that's considered an act of resistance. Now, whether war crimes occur during that attack is a different issue, but it doesn't mean the attack itself is a war crime. You have to make that distinction as people who are occupied and displaced, Palestinians have the right to attack lands – on the October 7 attack was in places where Palestinians had been displaced in 1948

Several of the pro-Palestinian protestors were also at a protest conducted on October 8th just 2 miles up the street where Police had to shut down an entire street when a brawl between the aforementioned protestors and a couple hundred Pro-Israeli supporters clashed. READ MORE

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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