
Andrew Gutmann Releases Anti-DEI Campaign Ad


U.S. House of Representatives hopeful Andrew Gutmann (R) released a new advertisement featuring his daughter, Lulu, who claims her New York City private school “went woke.” Should he win the Republican primary on Aug. 20, Gutmann would square off with incumbent Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) for Congressional District 22.

In 2021, Gutmann produced a letter to his daughter’s school – The Brearley School – that went viral for calling out the institution’s race-based, woke instruction.

In the ad, Lulu details her former school’s instruction and thanks her father for “fighting back” against the school’s focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

“For my dad, it’s different. It’s personal. My school went woke. Our teachers were saying America is evil, that being white or Jewish makes you racist from birth. I’m glad my dad stood up, that he’s fighting back. Not just for me, but for every child in this country. I’m proud of him, and I hope you’ll vote for him,” said Gutmann’s daughter, Lulu.

Moreover, Gutmann produced an op-ed for the New York Post titled “The NYT finally admits it: Schools are teaching our kids divisive critical race theory” which highlights the reporting of education reporter Dana Goldstein who produced findings of California’s ethnic-studies curriculum, including “pro-Palestinian activism” as a major component of the teachings.

Additionally, in his viral letter, Gutmann denounced his daughter’s former institution with strong rhetoric.

“I object to Brearley’s vacuous, inappropriate, and fanatical use of words such as ‘equity,’ ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusiveness.’ If Brearley’s administration was truly concerned about so-called ‘equity,’ it would be discussing the cessation of admissions preferences for legacies, siblings, and those families with especially deep pockets. If the administration was genuinely serious about ‘diversity,’ it would not insist on the indoctrination of its students, and their families, to a single mindset, most reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Instead, the school would foster an environment of intellectual openness and freedom of thought. And if Brearley really cared about ‘inclusiveness,’ the school would return to the concepts encapsulated in the motto ‘One Brearley,’ instead of teaching the extraordinarily divisive idea that there are only, and always, two groups in this country: victims and oppressors,” wrote Gutmann.

The Congress hopeful will have to overcome not one but two familiar faces: The incumbent Frankel and the Republican nominee for Florida's CD-22 in the 2022 campaign cycle. Whoever comes out of the GOP primary will have to make up 10 points for the right side of the aisle in 2024.

Jackson Bakich

Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is currently a senior at Florida State University. Growing up in the sunshine state, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee.

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