Florida Politics

Salazar Denounces Socialism While Addressing Trump Supporters


US Representative Maria Elvira-Salazar (R-FL) charged against far-left socialists while addressing Trump supporters gathered at a rally in Doral, Florida.

Representative Salazar’s comments were made during former President Donald Trump’s major campaign and fundraising rally this afternoon.

Salazar, who is the daughter of Cuban exiles fleeing communism, claimed socialism is eroding American society.

“God has been eliminated from the public life, many schools don’t want you to know what your children are learning,” said Salazar. “The difference between male and female is blurry, and the traditional values that this country was founded upon are repudiated by many on the left.”

Tailoring her message to the largely immigrant crowd gathered at the rally, Salazar foreshadowed socialism would decimate the American dream.

”Today unfortunately, a dark force has infiltrated this very sacred place, the United States,” continued Salazar. “That is why this November 5th, this election, will be crucial.”

The rally featured Republicans like Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Senator Rubio is rumored to soon be selected as President Trump’s Vice President.

Senator Rubio has supported President Trump throughout the latter’s campaign.

Rubio’s pull with Hispanic voters could be a decisive factor in his favor.

Various polls have repeatedly demonstrated Rubio’s supremacy over Democrats vis-a-vis hispanic voters, who support the former’s policies on immigration and the economy.

Trump is reportedly poised to score historical wins amongst the hispanic community in the upcoming November elections.

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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