US Conservatives Back Israel Following UN Accusation of Sexual Violence War Crimes

US Conservatives Back Israel Following UN Accusation of Sexual Violence War Crimes

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
June 20, 2024

The United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner (OCHR) has published a report accusing Israel of committing war crimes throughout their war against Hamas.

The list of OCHR’s accusations include the use of sexual violence starvation as a method of warfare, murder or wilful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, and sexual violence.

The OCHR’s accusation against Israel of sexual violence has incited uproar in Israel and amongst US Israeli supporters.

The report alleges Israeli Security Forces (ISF) “systematically targeted and subjected” Palestinians to forced public nudity, forced public stripping, sexualized torture and abuse, and sexual humiliation and harassment.

OCHR said its allegations are substantiated by video footage and photographs, but the report does not include these nor cite how OCHR obtained the evidence nor from whom it was received.

Meanwhile, the OCHR report accused Hamas of some acts of sexual violence but was unpronounced on Hamas’ fighters raping Israeli women and mutilating their genitals despite substantial evidence.

“The Commission was also unable to verify reports of sexualized torture and genital mutilation,” reads the report.

The OCHR’s report was also controversial as it was published seven days before the UN’s day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in conflict.

Israel has consistently cited Hamas’ sexual violence against Israeli civilians during and after the October 7th attacks as one of the reasons for its efforts to eliminate the latter.

“We stand with the Israeli women who were subjected to horrific sexual violence on October 7th and with the hostages who continue to experience unimaginable crimes at the hands of Hamas,” said the Israeli government. “We will not rest until women everywhere are safe.”

US Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) took to social media to defend Israel and condemn Hamas’ use of sexual violence.

“Today, we stand with these women who Hamas has put through the unimaginable. 257 days later, many innocent women and men remain in captivity—some of whom are Americans,” said Senator Scott. “We cannot rest until every last person is returned home and Hamas is destroyed.”


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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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